Bookmarked 20 outdoor bird games and activities (
When learning about nature and wildlife, experiential outdoor sessions need to happen. We need children to play and to practice key skills so that observing and understanding birds is a key focus of our time. Over the decades , a number of outdoor educators such as Joseph Cornell, Steve Van Matre, T...

This and Creating Bird Friendly Schools and Nurseries | Creative STAR Learning | I’m a teacher, get me OUTSIDE here!

Bookmarked UK National Parks Sound Map (
We are putting together a Google Earth Web sound map for UK National Parks. We are a group of researchers, passionate about listening and about how we, as human beings, relate to the sounds around us in our daily lives.

Another interesting audio project. Reminds me of the UK SoundMap from a few years ago. The map itself seems to be lost:( I blogged about that UK Sound Map and joined in with a few boos.

I loved the way the UK Sound Map project allowed anyone to join in by recording an Audioboo and tagging it.

The National Parks Sound Map is a bit more manual, you upload a sound and fill in a form. I just added one to see how it works.

Bookmarking this to remind myself to go through this presentation regularly.

Dropbox link in case twitter implodes!

Bookmarked Locus Sonus Stream Project (
Locus Sonus Stream Project offers a worldwide network of "open mikes" that permanently stream local soundscapes to a dedicated server. The resulting live audio is used in a large variety of artistic projects. The microphones are installed and maintained by volunteer participants.

Looks really interesting.

Bookmarked Decker (
Decker builds on the legacy of HyperCard and the visual aesthetic of classic MacOS. It retains the simplicity and ease of learning that HyperCard provided, while adding many subtle and overt quality-of-life improvements, like deep undo history, support for scroll wheels and touchscreens, more modern keyboard navigation, and bulk editing operations.
Bookmarked Jan’s Blog — Yes! My IndieBlocks plugin is now up on … by Jan BoddezJan Boddez (
Yes! My IndieBlocks plugin is now up on Current version offers a single “Context” block, and, optionally, (1) some custom post types, and (2) the ability to add microformats2 to block-based (!) themes. More is on the way. Tested it on a nearly e...

This looks as if it might be a way forward for WordPress and the indieWeb. I currently use the post kinds plugin for replying etc. I wonder what would happen if I switched approaches. Can the two plug-ins work together?

Bookmarked Data logging with the BBC micro:bit (
You can use the BBC micro:bit V2 with built-in speaker as a data logger, recording data from its built-in sensors. Data is stored on your micro:bit even when its power source is disconnected.

This looks really interesting. H.T. to @LouiseE_Foreman. The way the data is saved and accessible is very clever.

You can log data from any of the micro:bit inputs; light sensor, temperature sensor, pins, accelerometer, compass, microphone