Wiggle Gifs

I’ve been here before but a couple of wiggles jumped out of the photos app today.

Both were photos that the phone decided to take HDR photos and I’ve set it to keep a ‘normal’ one two. I’d obviously moved enough in the fraction of a second that separated the two images in each case. arrow-keying through the photos previewed me the wiggles. So:

  1. Export
  2. Open in fireworks
  3. Copy one image
  4. Make a new state and paste in.
  5. Export as Gif.

On the Hawthorn berries I did a quick copy of the sky from the first frame to the second to keep the background a little stiller.

A bit late for #tdc2098 We’re All Changing | The (new) Daily Create


#tdc2034 Today be on the lookout for your one tree!

Prerequisites, you need ffmpeg installed. I did that with Homebrew .

In Photos app. search from Tree, this works pretty well.

Export all the photos to a folder.

You need to rename all the photos to be sequential, 0001.jpg, 0002.jpg etc.

So open the terminal and cd to the folder of images. Write the following to a file, rename.sh and run with ./rename.sh

for i in *.jpg; do
  new=$(printf "%04d.jpg" "$a") #04 pad to length of 4
  mv -i -- "$i" "$new"
  let a=a+1

This give you a nice sequence of images. I made an extra image with the music credits too.


ffmpeg -f image2 -i %04d.jpg -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p trees-1.mp4

slow it down a bit

ffmpeg -i trees-1.mp4 -filter:v "setpts=4.0*PTS" trees-2.mp4

and add some music from an mp3 file in the same folder.

ffmpeg -i trees-2.mp4 -i Faster_Does_It.mp3 -map 0 -map 1 -codec copy -codec:a aac -strict experimental -b:a 192k -shortest tree-audio.mp4

Upload to YouTube:

5 minute job.

Photo Bending with Audio Shop


Alan knows what I like:

Which leads me to robertfoss/audio_shop: Your friendly neighbourhood script for mangling images using audio editing tools

This turns out to be a much quicker way of databending than the convert to RAW, open in audacity, add effects, export to RAW dance I’ve tried before.

I’ve not done much more than a quick trial, but am adding this for later reference.

  1. Downloaded the script for the link above.
  2. It needs ffmpeg and Sox. I’ve aready got ffmpeg and quickly installed sox with handbreak.
  3. then I ran some tests.

It is much quicker than I expected, with images of 1200 pixels taking a few seconds.

I am looking forward to start trying some different effect, changing parameters and combining effects. The script handles video too!

./mangle.sh /Users/john/Desktop/Ben-Lui-Munros-from-Meall-an-Fhudair.mp4 /Users/john/Desktop/Ben-Lui-Munros-from-Meall-an-Fhudairtest2.mp4 overdrive 17 hilbert -n 5001 --color-format=yuv444p --bits=8 --blend=0.5