Kind: Audios

Last year I enjoyed taking note of one thing I noticed every day. I thought I’d keep it going & thought I might record it as part of my almost defunct microcast. I’d have liked to add a soundbed to hid the traffic outside my living room, but time & talent held me back.
Listening to & loving the starlings chatting & chattering in the playground this morning when some geese flew over. Not a good recording, spoilt by an aircraft but it still amazes me I can just grab this.

I have been looking forward to this. First cuckoo I’ve heard in 2021. Ardinning this morning. Lots of other birds singing, most I can’t recognise. I did hear curlew, peewits, ravens and dabchicks on the loch.
Kilpatrick hills walkcast

I took a short walk round the moor behind Old Kilpatrick this afternoon. Using the shure mic with dead cat on my phone. A test in fairly breezy conditions. Gain right down and mic beside mouth.
Sound of the sea recorded at Barassie beach
Thrush singing in our street.
Glen Douglas – Walkcast – Shure Test

The other day I took the opportunity to test out my new Shure MV88 mic (Christmas present) with it’s dead cat. It was not a particularly windy day but there was a stiff breeze higher up the hill where I recorded this.
I think the mic worked very well I would have expected it to be too windy without it. I am not sure how much is down to the Shure and how much to the dead cat.
Using the mic you need to use the Motiv Audio app if you want to set the mic. I used the Mono Cardioid pattern with the gain turned up. I left the wind reduction off.
I I had 5 pieces of audio to edit together. After a brief fling with ferrite 1 I switched to GarageBand which did the job. Exported to a shortcut that uploaded to my blog.
I think that microcasts should really be one take rather than multitrack, but keep getting tempted to edit. The Motiv app allows you to pause audio and then record more, but I wonder if that would be lost if there was a large time lapse, other apps switched to etc.
Map and a few photos: Glen Douglas Trio 4-1-2018
fn1. Ferrite only supports 3 tracks in basic version. ↩
Canal Reflections- microcast

Recorded along the Forth and Clyde canal.