FRom Above: A stream or river with swirling wave patterns, dark water reflecting trees and sky, and green grass on the right shore.Silent Sunday - #SilentSunday ...
Green-Veined White butterfly on blossoming pink valerian flowers. - Green-Veined White on Valerian #butterflies #butterfly ...
Red Admiral butterfly wings closed on plant. Butterfly Walk - Butterfly Day. Walking to Greenside Reservoir this afternoon. Felt like summer. Lots of butterflies. I'd guess over a hundred ringlets,… ...
A small Heath Butterfly feeding on ThymeSmall Heath on Thyme - Small Heath Butterfly on Thyme, seen on the walk up to Greenside Reservoir today. Lots of Ringlets and Goldfinches. ...
Crop of an osprey flying. Not very sharp.Osprey! - Ardmore, a blustery day. The north bay calm out of the wind. For a few minutes I watched an osprey,… ...
small pearl-bordered fritillary Loch Humphrey Morning - Walked to Loch Humphrey this morn. Warm, cloudy a slight breeze. The ground sparkling with flowers. Meadowsweet coming out. Plenty… ...
3x3 grid of pictures, 8 flowers round a picture of the map where they were taken. From Top Left: Iris; Starwort; Cross-leaved heath; Heath Bedstraw & Tormentil; the map; Heath Spotted-Orchid; Foxglove; Forget Me Not; ValerianArdinning Afternoon - #BloomScrolling, #Flora, #BloomStrolling A walk around Ardinning, quiet, warm, 17! cloudy with a nice breeze. First Ringlets and small heaths… ...
5 x 3 grid of 14 photos, round a ,map showing where they were taken. From topleft: foxglove, thyme, gypsyweed, stonecrop, cuckooflower, buttercups, bog cotton, map, bedstraw, Tormentil, marsh thistle, bell heather, thyme and yellow bedstraw, rose, marsh orchid.Kilpatrick Flora - #BloomScrolling, #Flora, #BloomStrolling ...
Small green outdoor library filled with books in a park.little library in Naseby Park - looks like a little library in Naseby Park. I wonder how it is going to cope with the damp climate… ...
A lush garden with a gravel path, archway covered in green foliage, and a circular stone structure.Ross Priory Gardens - #SilentSunday ...
Grid of photos 3x3 with the map of where they were taken in the centre. From Top Left: peacock butterfly, fox and cubs, forget me nots, Water Avens, map of where photos were taken, Large Red Damselfly, cow parsley, path towards trees.Walk to Greenside - . Walk to Greenside: lots of white butterflies, a few orange tips & some peacocks. A large red damselfly or… ...
A Stonechat bird perched on a thin twig, with a green blurred background suggesting a natural habitat.Silent Sunday - #SilentSunday ...
- #SilentSunday ...
Ardinning - Short walk round Ardinning this morning, warm, thinks about being muggy if not for the breeze. Cuckoos calling, cuckoo &… ...
grid of 3 x 3 images. 8 photos round a map of where they were taken. Hawthorn Blossom, Chestnut candle, Garlic Mustard. Dandelion, map, Apple Blossom Bluebells, herb Robert, Dog VioletBloomStrolling - A local walk this morn. Round Gartnavel & up to the fishmongers. #Flora #Bloomscrolling #BloomStrolling thanks to @magsamond for the… ...
a silhouette of an eagle, light blue sky, hills shade for blueSilent Sunday - #SilentSunday ...
Loch Ardinning, framed by branches, the lock is still & reflective. At the far side a rize has trees in the horizon. Many of the trees are scots pinesSilent Sunday - #SilentSunday ...
mbapr cactus - The prompt for Day 14 of the April Photoblogging Challenge is cactus, suggested by Christopher, aka @christopherchelpka. I don't seem… ...
A coot on its nest, the coot has arranged a row of daffodils around the top of its nest. - This coot seems to be redecorating for spring. ...

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