Bookmarked WebP by Default Merged Into Core for WordPress 6.1 by Sarah GoodingSarah Gooding (

WebP, an image format developed by Google, which is intended to replace JPEG, PNG, and […]

“When converting medium-resolution photographs (approx 1600px – 2500px on the long edge), WebP files are often larger than the JPEG equivalent,” WordPress developer Mark Howells-Mead commented on the main ticket for WebP work.

And from the comments:

This plugin will disable WebP generation by default. No settings, just a filter for those who can’t do it on their own.

Disable WebP By Default

Just from the point of not having many duplicates, jpg and webp versions taking up server space the plugin seems woth a though.

The main issue here is that there it is no longer possible to remove the tracking part of the URL, as Facebook merged it with part of the required web address. Removing the entire construct after the ? would open the main Facebook page of Ghacks Technology News, but it won’t open the linked post.

I don’t read FB but I typically strip any parameters from the urls of tweets. I guess this is the next stage.

Bookmarked Raspberry (
I'm pleased to report that our iMac is now better than ever, thanks to Raspberry Pi Desktop for PC and Mac (also known as Debian with Raspberry Pi Desktop). What exactly is this operating system with an incredibly long name? It is a Linux distro based on Debian with the Raspberry Pi's desktop environment. (This is not actually the operating system that is typically installed on the Raspberry Pi devices (Raspberry Pi OS), but Debian with Raspberry Pi Desktop and Raspberry Pi OS are incredibly similar.)

Looking at mum’s old intel iMac in the back room…


Bookmarked My Indie, Integrated Feed Reader (
For a few years now, it has been a goal (or more of a dream) to build my own feed reader which integrates directly with the blog making it easy to perform indieweb actions such as likes and replies.

This is a really beautiful looking setup. The best thing, I’d guess, is the integration with Colin’s blog using indieweb actions. The UI looks great. The video of mobile looks perfect.

The upside of a DIY system would be it works just they way you want it. I wonder if something similar could be done for WordPress, using FeedWordPress as a reader perhaps.

Bookmarked Lea Guldditte Hestelund at Overgaden – Art Viewer (

Exhibition title: Consumed Future Spewed Up as Present
With a new total installation, Danish artist Lea Guldditte Hestelund explores and develops the possibilities and limitations of the sculpture as well as the body, in a near-future narrative.

In her artistic work, Lea Guldditte Hestelund is fascinated by the history, narratives and potentials of materials, and how these can be released and processed – whether by cutting into marble, or by shaping and transforming her own body.

I am currently reading The Employees by Olga Ravn which is a response to this exhibition.