A great set of links and info. I started gently scratching the indieWeb itch here is 2015 when I installed some of the plugins. I still think it is a good idea.
Tag: Indieweb
Likes: My current Webmention setup
Likes My current Webmention setup by .
but I thought it may be helpful to share my configuration settings and demonstrate how I’m using both the Webmention plugin and IndieBlocks on the same site.
Helpful indeed. I wish I’d taken some notes as I went along on this site. I think I may have woven a tangled web.
That’s also why your post content wouldn’t break, if you were to disable IndieBlocks. (I.e., while the dynamically generated “theme blocks,” like the Facepile block for webmentions, would “disappear,” posts should remain intact.)
Thanks Jan, the not breaking part is really important. I am using IndieBlocks more as I transition slowly to blocks here. I also just had the thought I could look at the code view with the reply block to get a template I could use with TextMate so that those posts word be the same as ones make with IndieBlocks.
I was thinking of the Site Editor as I was using it elsewhere to make templates for different posts, but I think that is a red herring. Now I think about it templates are more about the look and layout.
Bookmarked Disabled PostKinds Plugin by .
My main issue with it was that it places key elements such as the weblink you’re responding to outside the posting itself. It gets stored in the database as belonging to the PostKinds plugin. Meaning if you ever switch it off, that gets wiped from your posting (although it’s still in the database then). This was a dependency I needed to get rid of.
This crosses my mind from time to time. I depend on without fully understanding the Post Kinds plug-in. I am halfway between Post Kinds and IndieBlocks as I use Blocks a bit more. I’ve used them a lot on Glow Blogs and am less worried about switching to them full time. I wonder about,
deploying small templates that allow me to mark a posting as reply, rsvp, favourite, bookmark, or check-in, within the postings I’m writing.
as mentioned in Ton Zijlstra’s post.
I wonder if these are an alternative to IndieBlocks or something else. Can you make templates with the correct microformats in the Site Editor? But that would not work as semipress is not a block theme so I guess the template would be php?
handy if I ever change theme.
Listened to The poster’s guide to the new internet
Listened to The poster’s guide to the new internet – The Vergecast | Podcast on Spotify
In episode three of our connectivity mini series, The Verge’s David Pierce explores the idea of and , two syndication models for posting on the internet that don’t rely on a single platform.
Along with the companion article POSSE: a better way to post on social networks – The Verge this was a mostly straightforward account of POSSE.
The highlight for me was listening to Manton explaining his philosophy in a very clear way. Manton always makes perfect sense to me.
One of the original premises was just, could we rebuild a Twitter-like user experience, but based on blogs?
The timeline in micro.blog is just post from lots of feeds, lots of RSS feeds, whether they’re hosted on micro.blog, or they’re hosted somewhere else.
How do we merge those together so you don’t just have a few tabs open with your favourite websites and you’re typing in the domain name, it’s more of a newsfeed timeline experience, and that’s what people want.
But if the foundation of that, if the protocols can be open, it allows us to build so many interesting apps, so many different types of experiences.
It’ll just be way better.
What is particularly delightful to me is the way Manton starts with RSS feeds. micro.blog is almost the opposite of most other networks as it doesn’t try to lock you in an any way. I’ve been using the service since the beginning, completely free of charge as I have my own blog here.
Manton is also clear on the difficulty of getting more people away from the silos and on to their own domain and using more open services.
The comments by Matt Mullenweg, any positive move towards IndieWeb ideas from WordPress will have a huge effect.
I was quite frustrated in looking for an RSS feed for the The Vergecast. Ironic given the subject of this episode. I finlly found it on their pod.link page. I do wish RSS feed links were not becoming harder to find.
Bookmarked Building a Block-Based Microblog by .
IndieBlocks, which I am using to post this, is an alternative to the Post Kinds plugin that works with the block editor instead of classic.
I am still using mostly using classic on this blog as it seems the right tool for the job. But WordPress’s future seems to be blocks. I like the ui for bookmarks etc in IndieBlogs and guess I can ignore most of the blocks editor features.
I am a bit conflicted as to how switching approaches would work. For example Post Kinds adds an extra taxonomy for different kinds of post, IndieBlocks uses custom post types. I’ve got 7 years of post kinds posts here. I’ve also some styles based on the kinds.
I lean towards taxonomies over custom posts. This probably due to an over enthusiastic use of custom post kinds a few years back.
I think I prefer the incorporation of the link, author & quote into the main entry in IndieBlocks.
Good to have choices I guess 😉
I just updated the twitter category on this blog to be called posse as it is syndicated to twitter & mastodon. I also disabled the twitter cross posting from micro.blog. Micro.blog does a lovely job of cross posting images along with alt tags to mastodon.
Likes IndieBlocks 0.6.2 Released by .
I’ve been keeping half an eye on this. I’m not fully onboard with blocks yet and don’t really know how this will fit with the post kinds plug-in I usually use.