small pearl-bordered fritillary

Walked to Loch Humphrey this morn. Warm, cloudy a slight breeze. The ground sparkling with flowers. Meadowsweet coming out. Plenty of birds too. Whitethroat singing in the new trees. A skylark bathing in the path dust. Butterflies: Meadow Browns, Ringlets & a Small pearl-bordered Fritillary.

Grid of 3x3 images, flower around a map of where they were taken. From Top Left: Rose; Ladies Bedstraw; Suckling Clover; Yarrow; map; stonecrop; Hawksbeard; Forget me not; Red Campion

As we got to the top of the hill a golden eagle came from behind it at about our height. It soared, folded its wings and dived. Another appeared and they crossed the glen soaring and diving all the way. To entranced to lift my camera.