Collage of nine photos showing hills, wildlife, and landscapes of Glen Douglas.

I had a walk around Glen Douglas hills yesterday. Quite warm for the time of year, mostly clouds, with some bright shafts of sunlight. The ground soaking all the wee burns flowing. I don’t think I ever didn’t hear it running.

Red deer stags roaring most of the day. I saw a few small groups here and there. A small tussle between two younger stags on the slopes of Beinn Bhreac. Another chains a rival off between Ben Reoch & Tullich hill.

Not much other wildlife, a stonechat or two, a couple of meadow pipets, the odd raven and a large group of crows. Lots of wee craneflies. Flowers mostly gone, the mood milkwort, bog heather and scabious.

The clouds and sunlight changed constantly. The colours in the early morning especially lovely.

The bottom of Tullich hill was rough going. New trees planted and fenced. Grass long and hides the holes the soil for the tree planting was lifted for, invisible ditches.

Didn’t see anyone all day.

A composite image in a 3x3 grid showing various natural scenes, including hills, a reed bunting in bracken, deer on a hillside, a loop of fence wire hanging on a post, the map where the photos were taken, looking down to Finlas Reservoir, a rowan tree with red berries, woods, trees and moss, and water flow over rocks.

I went back to a familiar walk today. The circuit of small hills round the Finlas Reservoir. The day started very bright with a clear blue sky. Once I was past the farm I started hearing the stags roaring in the distance. I saw and heard a lot of deer today.


Going up Creaghan Hill most of the flora had died back, a few sparks of bog and common heather and some scabious for the most part. The bracken dying back. More deer on the hill and on the way to Beinn Ruisg. Colder on the hill and it started to get cloudy from the north. Between Beinn Ruisg and Creag an Leinbh, I saw lot of deer, most gathered in groups with one or more roaring stags. Spent a while watching. A few chases between stags but nothing serious. One 12 pointer was most active, fighting reed beds and following hinds.

By the time I got to the unnamed top between Creag an Leinbh and Balcnock, I could see quite a lot of heave clouds to the north. Ben Lomond got one or two showers, but I stayed dry.

Walking along the fence from Balcnock I put up a couple of snipe. One from my feet. I could see the ‘form’ it had been hiding in, surrounded by splatter of white droppings.
I went further along the fence, or near to it, than normal, finally cutting down past the reservoir. The Rowan are well covered in berries. It is fascinating to see where they manage to grow out of the way of sheep and deer. They were really shining in the sun, the higher ones already leafless with very pale bark were particularly dramatic.

Given I’ve not walked much this year, I was quite pleased with my puff. Even though it took nearly 7 hours for 10 miles I did spend a lot of time sitting watching the deer. Didn’t see another human.

Also noticed, Ravens, Reed Bunting, Stonechat.