DS106– the open online course on digital storytelling that began at the University of Mary Washington and continues as a community of learners across the globe

from: Welcome to ds106

I’ve been dropping in and out of DS106 since June 5, 2011 on my 106 drop in blog and on  twitter: #ds106 from:johnjohnston – Twitter Search

DS106 is possible the most fun you can have on the internet.

Here are the latest posts from the 106 drop in.


106 drop in

Wiggle Gifs

Wiggle Gifs

I’ve been here before but a couple of wiggles jumped out of the photos app today. Both were photos that the phone decided to take HDR photos and I’ve set it to keep a ‘normal’ one two. I’d obviously moved enough in the fraction of a second that separated the two images in each case. […]


#tdc2034 Today be on the lookout for your one tree! Prerequisites, you need ffmpeg installed. I did that with Homebrew . In Photos app. search from Tree, this works pretty well. Export all the photos to a folder. You need to rename all the photos to be sequential, 0001.jpg, 0002.jpg etc. So open the terminal […]

It is not just about Puppies


The #DS106 June 30 Day Daily Create Challenge


Photo Bending with Audio Shop

Photo Bending with Audio Shop

Alan knows what I like: My hunch is @johnjohnston will have fun with this command line audio thing https://t.co/0xRDXRzZOl — Alan Levine (@cogdog) April 18, 2017 Which leads me to robertfoss/audio_shop: Your friendly neighbourhood script for mangling images using audio editing tools This turns out to be a much quicker way of databending than the […]

End of a Good Spell

End of a Good Spell

#Ds106 GoodSpell Final Season ep 8 Letting go Bullet 107! The End! For the last episode of the DS106 Good Spell Mariana and I were joined by Jim Groom and Ronald Leunissen. Since The DS106 Good Spell Episode 1, Marina & I have been talking DS106 0n Sunday Evenings, covering her mammoth post: DS106 in 106 posts and 106 […]