I took a rather dull photos of some starlings in a bare tree yesterday. I did like the shapes, so:
convert IMG_1502.jpeg -scale 1200 -threshold 30% -fill white +opaque black bw-1200.png
I took a rather dull photos of some starlings in a bare tree yesterday. I did like the shapes, so:
convert IMG_1502.jpeg -scale 1200 -threshold 30% -fill white +opaque black bw-1200.png
A year ago yesterday I posted 2020 in a photo which was the result of a ds106 daily create. I ran my video of a year’s flickr photos through and script that averaged them and a slitscan processing process. Details on that post.
I decided to try the process with this years. I am not sure if the results are interesting or not. I did enjoy the process. This years photos stopped in October.
Here is the video again
and the results:
Here is the montage of all the pictures. I wonder if there are any other ways to play with the years set?
Diverting my self from the news of further lockdown by playing with randomising blends with imagemagick. Photos from Necropolis New Year’s Day 2021, more blends on flickr:
Playing around with imagemagick using photos from a couple of walks
points to his blog post The way of the remix.
Where he asks:
Do you remix?
If so, how do you remix? What is your remix trigger? Is it curiosity or simply joining the dots as you see them? Do you like to layer-up? Or strive to simplify? Is it a tickly thought? Or a random one from left field?
Well yes, I think I do, although my definition of remix might be widened to include mashup. but of course, Everything is a Remix.
How, is a long story. I guess I prefer DIY approaches. I use baby steps, image editors (Fireworks is my fav), JavaScript, php, commandline tools (ffmpeg, imagemagick, gifsicle) and anything else that seems interesting.
The why is harder, I am not a developer or an artist, I don’t make anything as polished as the remixes that scale on social media. I like to think it is because I nearly can. That is I am going to learn something in the process.
DS106 was a major trigger, the people involved, especially @cogdog, @jimgroom and @mvdfunes The daily creates from DS106 often led to remixing.
Wouldn’t it be cool is another trigger, or I wonder, or will it be funny, or impress someone(Usually only me). Or I learn about a new, to me technology and try it out.
Here are a selection remixes & mashups I am quite please with:
Featured image, a remix of a gif that I made as a remix of an image in the Tate. using The way of the remix by @bryanMMathers is licenced under CC-BY-ND.
Spent a happy half hour with ImageMagick and photos from todays walk, more on Flickr: evaluate-sequence Loch Humprey Walk 28-12-2017