Yesterday I read Alan’s post Right? or Choice? To Repair (or Joy Thereof) #DLINQDigDetox – CogDogBlog. One thing in particular caught my eye:

And yes extend broken devices to broken technology. Can’t play old flash content? Try Ruffle.

I’d not heard of Ruffle, but I though it was worth a quick try. I searched my hard drive and was delighted to find  rommy.swf.

Rommy has been reborn several times, born as a HyperCard stack in the 1990s, then a SuperCard project, arriving on the web via the Roadster plugin that ran SuperCard projects. The final incarnation was in flash (although I might have a javascript effort somewhere).

Anyway I uploaded the swf and htlm file, adding the link to the ruffle javascript library & it worked not only that it works on an iPad.

I don’t suppose it is of much use in the classroom now, back in the HyperCard days I though the idea of pupils creating mazes and then getting their partners to write instructions to go through them was a good one. I had not see it else where is such an easy to use fashion.

The featured image is a gif captured with licecap, it doesn’t make the annoying beeping that the real one does.

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Woke up this morning to the radio talking about the cost of living rising a further 5%. It infuriates me the index that they use for this calculation, which grossly underestimates the real cost of inflation as it happens to people with the least. Allow me to briefly explain.

Read this thread by @BootstrapCook. Brilliant work on how unfair inflation currently is.

Many thanks to Robert Macmillan for re tweeting.

Read: We’ll Always Have Casablanca: The Life, Legend, and Afterlife of Hollywood’s Most Beloved Movie by Isenberg, Noah

Read after watching the movie again, great mix of ideas and gossip, I am read for another watch. ★★★★☆ 📚

Liked Happy 10th Birthday, Bridgy! by Ryan BarrettRyan Barrett ( Today marks 10 years to the day since I first launched Bridgy, my little IndieWeb side project to connect social networks and personal websites. Happy Birthday, Bridgy! I’ve always loved the internet, but I’m n...

Bridgy is part of the IndieWeb suite of tool I’ve been using it since 2015 without full understanding but with full appreciation. Along with the Post Kinds Plugin and the Syndicated links one has very much changed my blog.