I like Flickr’s style:

we want to get photos and video into and out of the system in as many ways as we can: from the web, from mobile devices, from the users’ home computers and from whatever software they are using to manage their content. And we want to be able to push them out in as many ways as possible: on the Flickr website, in RSS feeds, by email, by posting to outside blogs or ways we haven’t thought of yet. What else are we going to use those smart refrigerators for?

About Flickr

I’ve just made a wee ‘blog’ from my flickr photos with the tag fblog: fBlog. It is only one webpage, not really a blog, but it didn’t take long. Sitting on my Raspberry Pi.

I do wonder if someone could make a clever flickr app that would mimic the best parts of instagram…

Replied to https://boffosocko.com/2022/07/14/55807162/ (boffosocko.com)
I’m curious if anyone has tried building a digital public zettelkasten on WordPress in general or using using the Slippy plugin in particular?

Hi Chris,
you would think WordPress could do this.

I installed slippy on a test blog. As far as a quick look showed it would not be useful for a public slip box. There is no published url that I could easily find. The repeated slips appear in the editor.

Slippy screenshot

Bookmarked Raspberry (steve-best.github.io)
I'm pleased to report that our iMac is now better than ever, thanks to Raspberry Pi Desktop for PC and Mac (also known as Debian with Raspberry Pi Desktop). What exactly is this operating system with an incredibly long name? It is a Linux distro based on Debian with the Raspberry Pi's desktop environment. (This is not actually the operating system that is typically installed on the Raspberry Pi devices (Raspberry Pi OS), but Debian with Raspberry Pi Desktop and Raspberry Pi OS are incredibly similar.)

Looking at mum’s old intel iMac in the back room…


I was interested to read How to Reverse an Animated GIF

convert water-forward.gif -coalesce -reverse -quiet -layers OptimizePlus -loop 0 water-reversed.gif

So gave it a quick try.  The result wa fine, but my 228kb gif was 1.1 MB in reverse. So I had a wee look art the gifsicle man page and ended up after a few tries with:

gifsicle -U stairs01.gif "#-1-0" --colors 32 -O3 -o downstairsR.gif


animated gif from black and white film reversed so woman appears to walk down the stairs
I can’t recall when I made the original gif and which film I took it from.