Replied to Catriona Oates on Twitter (Twitter)
“It's really encouraging to see the resourcefulness and support being shared by educators in #GlowBlogs on so many levels - if ever there was a time for #Glow, now is it! #SchoolClosureScotland #GetOnline #Glow”

Neat! That gave me an idea of how to show #GlowBlogs activity across the country with an #animatedgif //cc

Replied to If only schools just provided students with by Greg McVerryGreg McVerry (
If only schools just provided students with a website early on and they were used to documenting their learning from their own domain. I am hoping this build up a recognition to teach digital infrastructure #edtechchat

That was one of my main hopes for Glow Blogs. I don’t think it has happend in many places. It is a hard ask for educators to support something that might be beyond their experience. With younger children it is challenging  but rewarding.

Replied to KevinHodgson on Twitter (Twitter)
“I wanted to add images to represent uncertainty for my Song for An Uncertain Time that I created this morning as a soundtrack to the days, so I turned to Creative Commons blend tool by @johnjohnston and it was perfect -- just enough off-balanced images ... #ds106 #clmooc”

Kevin, I am delighted that my wee toy could be part of making something this lovely. Thanks for the mention!


Replied to What I learned from getting back on ds106radio (bavatuesdays)
As I listen to Nigel Robertson (@easegill) spinning the tunes from New Zealand while I type these works, I am reminded of how much I love ds106radio—the little radio station Grant Potter prop…

Hi Jim,
When Nicecast went away I moved to Audio Hijack for the #ds106radio inspired Radio Edutalk.
It took a while to get my head round it but:
is a screenshot of my setting for broadcasting a skype call
As far as I remember I took only the right channel to my headphones to avoid hearing myself.

Oh and

iOS app that I think should work with DS106 radio and is free,

Replied to Professor Ian Donald on Twitter (Twitter)
“8. Schools: Kids generally won’t get very ill, so the govt can use them as a tool to infect others when you want to increase infection. When you need to slow infection, that tap can be turned off – at that point they close the schools. Politically risky for them to say this.”

Really interesting thread about the uk Coronavirus strategy from Professor Ian Donald comes with disclaimer.

Roughly the government want to control the spread of the virus letting the less vulnerable catch it and gain immunity while protecting the more vulnerable.

Schools: Kids generally won’t get very ill, so the govt can use them as a tool to infect others when you want to increase infection. When you need to slow infection, that tap can be turned off – at that point they close the schools. Politically risky for them to say this. link

Does this throw older and vulnerable school staff under the bus? Asking for a friend.

Replied to IndieWeb idea for the extension of ThreadReaderApp by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich (
I’d love it if ThreadReaderApp had the ability to authenticate into my personal website and publish a copy of my own tweetstorms into my blog using Micropub.  This would be a great way to leverage their existing infrastructure and to allow people to put their own Tweetstorms onto their blog and s...


I wonder if the new feature in Little Outliner to produce tweet storms could be leveraged. AFAIK Little outline can’t post to WordPress, but Dave Winer’s previous Fargo could.

Replied to Play Scotland on Twitter (Twitter)
“"When children interact with loose parts, they enter a world of “what if” ... Loose parts enhance children’s ability to think imaginatively and see solutions, and they bring a sense of adventure and excitement to children’s play”. (Dale and Beloglovsky) #playeveryday”

Yes, I love it that our playground looks like a building site.

Replied to Micro:bit Educational Foundation on Twitter (Twitter)
“We’re delighted to launch our new #microbit coding platform, created with @Nominet, including new resources & #microbitClassroom - a unique coding space for 2 minute lesson setup! #edtech #edchat #STEM #coding”

micro:bit classroom
This looks as if it might be a really neat idea, local storage, no sign-in for teacher or pupils. Download everything and resume session later.
I am wondering if it will, now or soon, work with the iOS micro:bit app?

Replied to Glitch, Remix, a #NetNarr Exquisite Corpse (CogDogBlog)
There you go, try guess the nature of this blog post from a word heavy vague title.

I think I’d guess that a post with Glitch, Remix, and Exquisite Corpse in the title is one that is I’d be interested in;-)
Glitch is a pretty interesting place. Interestingly I made something there a while back of which Kevin was the only user!
Excited to see what range of things you get up to with glitch.

Replied to Neil Almond on Twitter (Twitter)
“State of the comment saying creativity was stifled because they had to paint the same bird. Same with music. Only once you’ve mastered the foundations can you then start to break the mould and get creative.”

This is worth a read: The Benefits of the Copy Stage of Making


👍 The Benefits of the Copy Stage of Making | Read Write Collect