We has a nice gentle stroll from Dawsholm up the River Kelvin to the vet school and Maryhill Road.
Lovely sunny day, it really feels like summer now. Plenty of butterflies out, orange tips and whites.

Bluebells in the woods along with garlic mustard and wild garlic. Everything green and lush. A few trout rising on the river. Watched a goosander fishing, and saw a heron sunning itself.

Bookmarked Whose poo? - The Mammal Society (The Mammal Society)
Mammals can be elusive and sometimes the first clue that they are there isn't the flash of a tail or the flick of an ear poking out of the foliage but a field sign - like poo! Often, finding and identifying the poo you find in your garden or on a walk will be the only way you know that

If I ever get to take the class to the woods again this will be useful.