Read ‘Sometimes I wonder if I’ll come back’: Palestinian birdwatchers defy danger to scan the skies by Guardian staff reporter
Gathering on a wooded hilltop overlooking terraces of olive trees and vineyards, a group of ninth-grade girls from the Aida refugee camp watch as Michael Farhoud, a researcher at the Environmental Education Centre (EEC) in Beit Jala, attaches a ring to the leg of a chiffchaff. The tiny olive-brown warbler was caught in nets that morning. Farhoud explains to the schoolgirls how ringing tracks birds' movements.

I saw a chiffchaff or willow warbler with a ring the other day. I wonder if it had passed through Palestine.

small pearl-bordered fritillary

Walked to Loch Humphrey this morn. Warm, cloudy a slight breeze. The ground sparkling with flowers. Meadowsweet coming out. Plenty of birds too. Whitethroat singing in the new trees. A skylark bathing in the path dust. Butterflies: Meadow Browns, Ringlets & a Small pearl-bordered Fritillary.

Grid of 3x3 images, flower around a map of where they were taken. From Top Left: Rose; Ladies Bedstraw; Suckling Clover; Yarrow; map; stonecrop; Hawksbeard; Forget me not; Red Campion

After bookmarking the Locus Sonus Stream Project the other day I saw a link to Soundcamp 2023 on Caught by the River. This lead to:

REVEIL 10 – Call | Announce

Saturday 6 to Sunday 7 May 2023

On Dawn Chorus Day, Reveil will make its tenth annual day-long loop of earth, travelling west on live audio feeds sent in by streamers around sunrise.

from: REVEIL 24+1 hour daybreak broadcast — Call | Announce

There seems to be several ways to join in, Raspberry Pis, computers and mobiles. Looks like icecast technology.

I would be quite interested in joining in. Dawn is around 5:30am in Glasgow on the 6th April.

Some of the locations on the  Locus Sonus Stream Project  make nice background noise, birds and burns from around the world.