Since 2014 I’ve been making “movies” with my flickr photos for the year. I make them with a script which downloads the years photos puts them together into a movie and, use to, add music. The Music bit is broken (https) so I downloaded some manually.

This year pretty much stopped in October, then I got covid in November and have not been out much since.

I also average the photos ( below) and montage them for the featured image. This year I made a version of the script to download wee square images for the montage (average & montage scripts here).

I enjoy both the process and watching my photos flickr by. I like the fact that I can easily tweek bit of the script or run the video creation again quickly to try out different speeds, music etc.

Bookmarked Surveillance of the impact of COP26 on COVID-19 infections in Scotland (
Although the 7-day incidence rate of infection in Scotland began to increase during the COP26 summit, from 330 cases per 100,000 on 1 November to 389 cases per 100,000 on 13 November, this increase was primarily driven by rising cases among children between 5 and 11 years old. In the final week of COP26, case rates rose in the adult population aged 20 to 49 years old also, but stabilised and started to decline in the two weeks after COP26 alongside the rates amongst the younger age groups.

Interesting the increase in covid 19 during cop 26 was in primary aged children, not cop attendees.