As usual I’ve stitched up all the photos I’ve posted to flickr this year into a video.

I’ve uploaded to Vimeo this year as YouTube has been giving me random messages about having to login on embedded videos. This even when I’ve logged in on youtube.

I also had a bit of bother with the script as I got a few forbidden noticed. I fixed it by adding a user agent to the curl part and then by changing the url to the downloaded one.

Music: Morning Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Replied to you gotta love this guy! (simply.)
My buddy John is now back to school as a teacher in Scotland. His summer redux includes a wonderful video collage of summer photos

Thanks for the love Joe,
Just when I think I’ll get rid of the sidebar. They do seem to have gone out of fashion. I guess I’ll keep mine till they come back in😉
Ds106, was/is a wonderful course on ‘digital storytelling’ that has run in several universities but allows anyone to join in. A source of a lot of fun and a lot of learning about owning your own space.
The video is in the style of the now disappeared online service pummelvision. After it went I wrote a script to replicate it.

A year ago yesterday I posted  2020 in a photo which was the result of a ds106 daily create. I ran my video of a year’s flickr photos through and script that averaged them and a slitscan processing process. Details on that post.

I decided to try the process with this years. I am not sure if the results are interesting or not. I did enjoy the process. This years photos stopped in October.

Here is the video again

and the results:

Here is the montage of all the pictures. I wonder if there are any other ways to play with the years set?

Since 2014 I’ve been making “movies” with my flickr photos for the year. I make them with a script which downloads the years photos puts them together into a movie and, use to, add music. The Music bit is broken (https) so I downloaded some manually.

This year pretty much stopped in October, then I got covid in November and have not been out much since.

I also average the photos ( below) and montage them for the featured image. This year I made a version of the script to download wee square images for the montage (average & montage scripts here).

I enjoy both the process and watching my photos flickr by. I like the fact that I can easily tweek bit of the script or run the video creation again quickly to try out different speeds, music etc.

I liked the Pummelvision service so when it went I sort of
made my own. Which lead to this:
Flickr 2014 and DIY pummelvision and 2016 Flickring by.

I went a little early this year:

I’ve updated the script (gist) to handle a couple of new problems.

  1. Some of my iphone photos were upside down in the video as ffmpeg doesn’t see the Rotation EXIF. I installed jhead via homebrew deal with this.
  2. I installed sox to duplicate the background track as I took more photos and slowed them down a bit this year.

I have great fun with this every time I try it, I quite like the results but the tinkering with the script is the fun bit. I sure it could be made a lot more elegant but it works for me.