After bookmarking the Locus Sonus Stream Project the other day I saw a link to Soundcamp 2023 on Caught by the River. This lead to:

REVEIL 10 – Call | Announce

Saturday 6 to Sunday 7 May 2023

On Dawn Chorus Day, Reveil will make its tenth annual day-long loop of earth, travelling west on live audio feeds sent in by streamers around sunrise.

from: REVEIL 24+1 hour daybreak broadcast — Call | Announce

There seems to be several ways to join in, Raspberry Pis, computers and mobiles. Looks like icecast technology.

I would be quite interested in joining in. Dawn is around 5:30am in Glasgow on the 6th April.

Some of the locations on the  Locus Sonus Stream Project  make nice background noise, birds and burns from around the world.


Bookmarked Locus Sonus Stream Project (
Locus Sonus Stream Project offers a worldwide network of "open mikes" that permanently stream local soundscapes to a dedicated server. The resulting live audio is used in a large variety of artistic projects. The microphones are installed and maintained by volunteer participants.

Looks really interesting.