Chat GPT’s geography is a bit off.
Somewhat inspired by @eclectech. I was looking at frost with my class one child noticed the likeness to people so I had to add eyes.
Listened: Meeting Point by Louis MacNeice – A Friend to Imtiaz Dharker.
I was sitting at a table with a boy I just met and he casually said: ‘Time was away and somewhere else. The waiter did not come, the clock forgot them.’ And it just stopped me dead because I wasn’t especially interested in this boy, but for a few seconds I fell in love with him because he said those lines.
Poems as Friends is a lovely idea.
Read The Bellwether Revivals by Benjamin Wood ★★★☆☆ 📚
My theory is that hope is a form of madness. A benevolent one, sure, but madness all the same. Like an irrational superstition—broken mirrors and so forth—hope’s not based on any kind of logic, it’s just unfettered optimism, grounded in nothing but faith in things beyond our control.’
Sometimes uncomfortably gripping. A touch of The Secret History.
That is the way the Google Cookie Crumbles. A good example for my class to look past the first results.
Glow Blogs Advent 24
I’d be delighted to hear from others using H5P in Glow Blogs and am alway interested to talk to anyone about these topics.
Read: The Western Wind by Samantha Harvey ★★★★☆ 📚
Set in the 15th century, a priest tries to solve a “murder”. More about the priest than the murder. Told in reverse it revels his character & the story in an interesting way. Hypocrisy, superstition & morality.
Warm dull with a bit of drizzle this morning. Brightened by a charm of goldfinch feeding on burdock. A couple of minutes later excitement when a crow chased a sparrow hawk overhead.
I’ve noticed a big uptick in followers on BlueSky in the days since the USA election. I do wonder if we are thinking this through. Moving from one silo to another might not be the best lesson learnt from X.
Why is joining Bluesky like buying an EV? | Memex 1.1 – John Naughton