Replied to Drummer has a feature called the glossary … by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (
I love the idea of a glossary for my site. For example, when I say Ben Collins, it would be cool if it would automatically link to his website, similar to how Google+ worked. I sometimes do this at the moment by linking to my own posts. For example, when talking about care as the first principle, I ...

Hi Aaron,

Drummer has a lot of interesting features, I am kicking the tyres a little. When I started this blog I used pivot, a flat file php blogging system. It also had  this sort of feature, although they didn’t call it a glossary. I would think someone could write a WordPress plugin to do the same sort of thing.
A previous outline & blog system from Dave Winer, Fargo, had a post to WordPress feature. I am wondering if this might be possible for Drummer too.

Replied to Command Line — The MagPi magazine by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (
MagPi / RaspberryPi put together a guide to getting going with command line.

Hi Aaron,
This is a useful guide. I remember  Oliver Quinlan, a guest on Radio EDUtalk talking about the eloquence of the command line compared to pointing and grunting.
I enjoy using the command line, often with Raspberry PIs, but it is easy to miss some of the basics which this guide covers well.

Replied to a tweet by Alan Levine (Twitter)

I might need a WordPress plugin than converts all links to run them through the Wayback Machine. Mansy days it feels like 90% of my blogged links are dead.

I used amber for a while & stopped for reasons i can’t recall. Used the archive option. Currently got a JavaScript that sorts broken links to my old, now gone school site where a lot of my early links pointed. I now use On This day, thanks Alan, to tend my links most days.

Replied to Bright green, blight green, and lean green futures | Open Thinkering by Doug Belshaw (Open Thinkering | Doug Belshaw's blog)
This is Vinay’s preferred option, and the only one he thinks is scalable and realistic. It’s “numerical” by which he means quantitative, not qualitative. You simply imagine that every human being has equal right to the planet’s “material bounty”, and then divide up what’s available, and how much they can emit.

Hi Doug,

Thanks for this link, I’d not heard Vinay Gupta before. A good listen although some of the verbal style grated a bit.  I’d heard the idea of fair shares, in relation to air miles, before and liked it. Possibly because I very seldom fly;-)

Replied to a tweet by Sarah Clark (Twitter)

Available in glow now. Go check this out...I think it can have such and impact

Been doing something similar, but simpler, for a few years, with voice memos & notes. No auto data gathering but self assessment. Valuable.

Replied to 1/623 (CogDogBlog)
Hi. There has not been too much nostalgia posting here lately (well actually not much at all, so there). Maybe last June? But who cares if I feel like dipping into my tech past, it’s there. I…

Hi Alan,
One of the first 623 sites! Blows my mind. Way beyond early adopter.

There should be a badge or medal.

Replied to Purge your Mac of OneDrive (Tech, tales and imagery)
It doesn’t take much experience with Microsoft’s OneDrive to learn that it is an unmitigated car-crash: it purports to be a productivity tool that makes it possible to share files quickly and easily.

Hi Nick, When I read this I was going to let you know that OneDrive had been rock solid for a while for me. I use a mac in school and at home. I didn’t get to write the comment.
On Monday arriving in school I opened my daily plans, a set of txt files in OneDrive, to find that they had not synced from Sunday at home. No plans 😖

Replied to A tweet by Blair Minchin (Twitter)


Boiling down children, human beings, to data.

Data on maths and literacy.

That’s what league tables do.

They don’t demotivate me because I know they paint a tiny, incomplete picture of a school, a smaller one of a class and a microscopic view of an individual child.

Data, can be done differently.


I keep being pulled by this site. Cc @IaninSheffield