Maybe it’s because it’s been the holidays and I’ve had more time on my phone – but the amount of hate speech on social platforms 😥 People like Joey Barton able to tweet with impunity, vile TikTok comments the norm & never removed. More work for teachers brewing

Blair Minchen

And still we are here. It boggles my mind that nations, governments, schools use social media as their main conduit of information, platforms that they have no control of.

Replied to A tweet by Blair Minchin (Twitter)


Boiling down children, human beings, to data.

Data on maths and literacy.

That’s what league tables do.

They don’t demotivate me because I know they paint a tiny, incomplete picture of a school, a smaller one of a class and a microscopic view of an individual child.

Data, can be done differently.


I keep being pulled by this site. Cc @IaninSheffield

Replied to a tweet by Blair Minchin (Twitter)

Really grateful for the opportunity to contribute to @tes

“I’ve observed many benefits of using speech-to-text technology but there is one discernible outcome in the classroom that I’ve seen more than any other: smiles” 😃

Notes & Airdrop are great pieces of tech in class. I particularly like the lack of features in notes allows pupils to concentrate on writing. I encourage pupils to start in notes even if writing that will end up in more complicated app.