Museo is a visual search engine that connects you with the Art Institute of Chicago, the Rijksmuseum, the Minneapolis Institute of Art and the New York Public Library Digital Collection Every image you find here is in the public domain and completely free to use, although crediting the source institution is recommended!

from: Museo

This looks like another pupil friendly source of images. I’ve added this to the short set on my classes’ links page.

Bookmarked Re: Get direct download link of a file in OneDrive for Business (TECHCOMMUNITY.MICROSOFT.COM)
Use "Get link", then use "People with existing access" to get the direct link to the file. Then, the url will be direct path to Now, just remove everything after the ? and put in download=1 and magic happens.

This works fine with files in Glow OneDrive even for publicly shared files.

I’ve started to use it on my class blog to share files. Here is a simple example. A PowerPoint on my onedrive, publicly shared, the first link is the standard share link, the second has the download parameter.

Bookmarked Among Us in the Classroom | #AmongUsEDU by Carrie (
Please note: I know there are a TON of game mechanics in Among Us. I am only sharing the ones that I thought would work for my students, my classroom, during COVID (6 feet apart and no sharing materials ), and with students in person and remote

Looks interesting. My class are pretty interested in this game and play their own version in the playground.

Bookmarked Making & Moving with Micro:bit & Scratch (

Making & Moving with Micro:bit & Scratch

A google doc:

The Scratch Team will show you how to get up and running with micro:bit and Scratch. We’ll demo a variety of projects that connect Scratch to the physical world using micro:bit. The session will end with sharing resources that support making and moving with micro:bit and Scratch!