Likes IndieBlocks 0.6.2 Released by .
I’ve been keeping half an eye on this. I’m not fully onboard with blocks yet and don’t really know how this will fit with the post kinds plug-in I usually use.
Likes IndieBlocks 0.6.2 Released by .
I’ve been keeping half an eye on this. I’m not fully onboard with blocks yet and don’t really know how this will fit with the post kinds plug-in I usually use.
Good Call Flickr: the original announcement threw me, I’d no idea how to implement a user agent in my amateur use of the Flickr API or if I’d need to. As a tinker I’ve really enjoyed using the Flickr API over the years. The fact it has never changed has been great for me.
Read: April in Spain by John Banville ★★★★☆ 📚
Slowly building up a few different threads that come together quickly. A lot of fun from the characters as opposed to the plot.
Enjoyed listening to the latest episode of Really Specific Stories: Gaby Santiago. @gaby chatting to @martinfeld.
This is becoming on of my favourite podcasts. I think I prefer listening to people talk about listening to tech podcast than actually listening to tech podcasts.
We are putting together a Google Earth Web sound map for UK National Parks. We are a group of researchers, passionate about listening and about how we, as human beings, relate to the sounds around us in our daily lives.
Another interesting audio project. Reminds me of the UK SoundMap from a few years ago. The map itself seems to be lost:( I blogged about that UK Sound Map and joined in with a few boos.
I loved the way the UK Sound Map project allowed anyone to join in by recording an Audioboo and tagging it.
The National Parks Sound Map is a bit more manual, you upload a sound and fill in a form. I just added one to see how it works.
First blackthorn flowering along the Balmore road.
I’ve now got a page for my stream for the REVEIL 2023 Dawn Chorus Day weekend set up on soundtent here