Orange Tip Butterfly on cuckoo flower

My wife said listen to the grasshopper, I can’t hear them, but heard this. so I opened my phone and the Merlin app: Common Grasshopper warbler. No sight of it.
Lots of orange tips butterflies. Plenty of bird song, D saw a weasel. Warm afternoon.

Willow Warbler in leafless branches
Willow Warbler

Grid of 3x3 images, 8 photos around a map showing where they were taken. from top left: Thistle down; peacock butterfly; red admiral butterfly; stonechat on gorse against a blue sky; map; honey bee on hawkweed; view, sky with cumulus clouds, trees, and grass; mature line of trees; tansy flower
We had a nice walk up to Greenside Reservoir this afternoon. Blue skies & clouds with a fair breeze. Lots of sees, thistles & rosebay all the way. lots of angelica & meadowsweet too. Plenty of butterflies, green veined whites, peacocks, a couple of red admirals and a small tortoiseshell. Quite a few small dragonflies to fast to id. A fox running through the long grass. Plenty of goldfinches.