#FeedReaderFriday 5
The idea
#FeedReaderFriday: A Suggestion for Changing our Social Media Patterns | Chris Aldrich
Feed Readers
Another sort of RSS reader is a Podcatcher. Podcast listening apps depend on RSS. My favourite on my phone, I listen to podcasts while commuting, is Castro.
Folk to Follow
RSS Feeds this week:
- Eat This Podcast RSS Feed Great podcast on food in all of its aspects.
- Backlisted RSS Feed. Quite in depth reviews and discussions of books, one per episode. Took me a while to figure out the feed for this one. Almost grumpy enough to skip it.
- Scotland Outdoors RSS Feed A lot of BBC radio content is available via RSS. They push their own sounds app, but the RSS is on the page.
- Is It Rolling, Bob? Talking Dylan RSS Feed. Found at random, enjoyed that way too.
- Really Specific Stories. narratives of tech-podcast fandom, featuring producers and their listeners. Fascinating RSS Feed
Read: A Spell of Winter by Helen Dunmore ★★★★☆ 📚
Broken characters crumble with the house. Lyrical countryside. The young ones grow wild. Relationships are awkward or too intense. The first world war appears out of nowhere.
A list of RSS related stuff: tools, services, communities and tutorials, etc. - GitHub - AboutRSS/ALL-about-RSS
Extensive! hat tip: Joe
#FeedReaderFriday 4
The idea
#FeedReaderFriday: A Suggestion for Changing our Social Media Patterns | Chris Aldrich
Folk to Follow
Chris Aldrich, who started #FeedReaderFriday has a great feed, but I also follow his hypothes.is stream Feed. I don’t use hypothes.is myself, and the number of items in the feed would be overwhelming if you tried to keep up, but it contains many nuggets that you would not find elsewhere.
Not a person but tinywords: haiku & other small poems has an RSS Feed
Feed Reader Tip
Ignore the unread count. Some feed readers show you the number of unread items. forget FOMO and ignore items, feeds and the whole thing if you have something else to do.
This post is part of a series with a wee bit about readers and a couple of suggestions of feeds to follow.
Re-launched instagram-atom, my side project that lets you read your Instagram feed in any feed reader, with new browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox. Feel free to try it out, feedback is welcome!
I’ve not posted to Instagram for over a year. I don’t miss the adverts or bonkers timeline. I do miss photos from family & folks I don’t see elsewhere online. This sorts that out via my RSS reader.
Replied to IndieWebCamp Popup: How to Make the IndieWeb More Approachable (events.indieweb.org) The IndieWeb community welcomes anyone who is interested in expressing themselves on a personal website, regardless of technical experience. In this meetup, we will be asking the question “how can we ma...
The IndieWeb is build on the kindness and enthusiasm of many clever folk doing tricky things. Simple it is not. I imagine this chimes with none technical or time poor folk. It does with me. There is a mention of micro.blog as the smoothest path to indieWeb happiness.