Replied to by James McEnaney (Twitter)

Some thoughts on the return to online learning, and what we can do to make the best of it

 First of all, I think it’s really important that we put kids first and don’t worry too much about “lost learning”. No matter what age they are, their schoolwork is not more important than their wellbeing.

Yup, it is a pity this needs to be said, but it does.

Replied to Re: Browser Bookmarklets for Giving Credit by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (
I am all in on this Chris, but I just can’t seem to get it to work. I created the bookmarklet, highlighted the name and clicked the bookmarklet, but there was no pop-up. I must admit, I do not use many bookmarklets, only Alan Levine’s really. I may therefore have to dig into this a bit further a...

Hi Aaron,

I am glad you posted this. I like bookmarklets. I run one a bit like this via AppleScript on my mac. This has an advantage of letting me add a keyboard to send straight to the clipboard.

I am going to add the indieweb mark up to that using Chris’s script for reference. Like you I couldn’t get it working at first I had to mess around with he single and double quotes. This works for me:

javascript:(function(){let text = "";if (window.getSelection() != '') {text = window.getSelection().toString() + '\n';}var tocopy = '<p><small><cite class="h-cite via"><abbr title="via">ᔥ</abbr> <span class="p-author h-card">"' + text + '"</span> in <a class="u-url p-name" href="' + location.href + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" >' + document.title + '</a> (<time class="dt-published">' + document.lastModified + '</time>)</cite></small></p>';;d=document;d.body.appendChild(Object.assign(d.createElement('textarea'),{value:tocopy})).select();d.execCommand('copy');})()

I’ve not got much of a handle on JavaScript so YMMV.

Replied to re: IndieWeb at the OERxDomains Conference by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (
Thank you Chris for the mention. The OERxDomains Conference definitely sounds like an exciting event. In regards to participating,  I always feel a case of impostor syndrome. To be honest, although I am in education and work with technology, my current role involves supporting schools with reportin...

Hi Aaron,

I do not think you need to worry about imposter syndrome. I went along to OER 16 where I was allowed to do some podcasting I was made very welcome. The whole conference was really exciting. Although the majority of folk there were in higher ed I didn’t feel uncomfortable being a primary teacher. A repeated thread was that open meant many different things can could be taken many different ways. I think presenting about your blog and how it work for you would make a great session. I certainly have alway thought of it as an essential open educational resource.