Books I’ve read this year. displayed with my favourite plugin display posts. I’ve found it useful to post books I’ve read. I need to write slightly better notes next year. Lockdown increased my reading a little. 30/10 male to female authors reflect the fact I get a lot of books after my wife.

Bookmarked Among Us in the Classroom | #AmongUsEDU by Carrie (
Please note: I know there are a TON of game mechanics in Among Us. I am only sharing the ones that I thought would work for my students, my classroom, during COVID (6 feet apart and no sharing materials ), and with students in person and remote

Looks interesting. My class are pretty interested in this game and play their own version in the playground.

Replied to a tweet by ds106 Daily Create (Twitter)

For today's TDC... #tdc3274 #ds106 Adobe Flash Obit

#tdc3274 #ds106 RIP Flash. I recall Flash with fondness. Anything “influenced by HyperTalk” can’t be all bad. Got edu licenses for MX 2004 & taught kids some animation fun. Enjoyed the scripting. Played with & made stuff, once got paid! Action Script 3 was 2 hard for me.

For today’s TDC… #tdc3273 #ds106 2020 In a Photo

If a picture can be monetarily equivalenced to an arbitrary number of words, then a photo ought to be able to somehow encapsulate a year. Or represent it. Or say something about it.

Find, or better yet, take a photo, that speaks to something about 2020 in its entirety. Go for representational not literal (please pass on the burning trash fires, we know that one).

I thought this one was pretty sensational…

from: #tdc3273 #ds106 2020 In a Photo | The Daily Create

I am kind of stumped summing up 2020 in a photo. So I took the video of my year of flickr photos and played with it.

The top is a slitscan of the video. the centre line of each frame. I dug out procesing and a script from Slit Cam: Slit camera timeline images from video..

The lower half uses ShantnuS/AverageFrameColour: 🎨 Creates an image of average frame colours for a YouTube video which I found on github. Unfortunately this failed at the download. so I edited the python script to use a local file. This without any knowledge (other than spaces are important) of python.

A useful exercise as it reminded my old brain of processing which has a lot of possibilities for fun, and proved that you don’t need to know much to make simple edits of code.