Windscape is an exciting children’s adventure that explores the dilemma between the usefulness of wind farms and the beautiful scenery they can sometimes destroy.

Paul Murdoch, the author of Windscape has recorded the audio for each chapter, created learning material and made them available for free.

With Paul’s permission I’ve taken the resources and turned it into a Glow Blog.

Windscape – an exciting children’s adventure by Paul Murdoch

and a podcast to which you can subscribe on: apple or android.

I have already started using the resource with my class and am looking forward to continuing.

As the audio is a blog it is easy to change things, we are open to adding to the learning resources if anyone has ideas. You can get in touch through the site.

Quoted The Travelling Poet by Iain Crichton Smith
The snow is falling very gently. A ghost tree clasps the real tree like a bridegroom with a bride.

My wife quote this as we walked through the park. It sticks.

Liked This much I know about…what it feels like when you are criticised about your remote teaching (johntomsett)
I have been a teacher for 32 years, a head teacher for 17 years and, at the age of 56, this much I know about what it feels like when you are criticised about your remote teaching. We don’t mine co…

I taught my Year 8 English class on Thursday afternoon. I have no need to tell you about how relatively rubbish it is to teach into the void that is TEAMS. We will look back on TEAMS the same way we (people of a certain age…) look back on BBC computers – that is, appalled/amazed at how basic and clunky they were.

Anyway, I eventually convinced a couple of students to speak (speaking students are gold dust, aren’t they?)

this is a lovely post. Not anything about Teams, but the current state of online learning, expectations and how it feels from a teacher’s POV.