Replied to a tweet by Blair Minchin (Twitter)

Really grateful for the opportunity to contribute to @tes

“I’ve observed many benefits of using speech-to-text technology but there is one discernible outcome in the classroom that I’ve seen more than any other: smiles” 😃

Notes & Airdrop are great pieces of tech in class. I particularly like the lack of features in notes allows pupils to concentrate on writing. I encourage pupils to start in notes even if writing that will end up in more complicated app.

The Spring Holidays, like others will increase my blogging. It has been a busy term both home learning and back in school. Looking forward to a holiday of wee walks (still stuck in Glasgow) and some random browsing.

The Featured image is Maxwell dynamic machine, 1961 | Science Museum Group Collection © The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Licence found via the Never Been Seen | Science Museum Group Collection page, which I learnt about from Ian Guest

Replied to a tweet by Ian Guest (Twitter)

Unsplash acquired by Getty Images.
To be welcomed?

I wonder. My old primary school, Sandaig, had a postcard project. Got postcards from all round the world. Kids took photos of them & posted to postcard blog. Head Teacher got scary bill from Getty as they identified one of the blurry snapshots as theirs. Blog Deleted:-(

Replied to RE: My Ratio of Signal to Noise by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (
I really enjoyed your assessment of where you are currently at. I have wondered lately about my commitment to capturing my breadcrumbs lately and can really relate to your point about it being exhausting. I wonder if something like Roam is any less exhausting? I am left thinking that with so many of...

Hi Aaron,
I do hope you do not get too exhausted. I find you breadcrumb trail useful and interesting. In some ways breadcrumbs are a more productive vein to mine that piles of full articles or loafs.