Watched Experience TiddlyWiki Fluency: Creating a Reading List from
Because TiddlyWiki is radically customizable and allows you to think in new ways, it can be hard to "get it" if you haven't used it. In this video, I show what it looks like to be fluent in TiddlyWiki by creating a complete, functional application to track books and articles we've read and would like to read, in just over an hour. This video is 100% uncut and unrehearsed, programming mistakes and all. You can learn all the skills you need to do everything shown in this video with Grok TiddlyWiki (​ – coming soon!)

This was just great. I’ve been using TiddlyWiki on and of for a couple of years. I really like it but it has been tricky to really get into it. This was a revelation. Looking forward to Grok TiddlyWiki. In the meantime I’ll go over this video again.

Featured image my own dithered to grey with imagemagick, from an idea by Doug Belshaw who was trying to save energy. I just like the idea of these images for link list posts.

Replied to Refactoring | Open Thinkering by Doug Belshaw (Open Thinkering | Doug Belshaw's blog)
Creating an RSS feed that also works as a styled web page.

Hi Doug,
I was wondering what was going on, the old feed was behaving strangely in my reader. The new one works really nicely in inoreader.

I do get different behaviour in different browsers. Firefox, where I’ve an RSS extension, shows the RSS; Safari offers to open the feed in NetNewsWire RSS reader; Chrome shows the webpage.

Alan’s comment about pinboard is interesting, I used to have a sort of tumble blog running off the rss from my delicious links.