Replied to a tweet by Blair Minchin (Twitter)

Really grateful for the opportunity to contribute to @tes

“I’ve observed many benefits of using speech-to-text technology but there is one discernible outcome in the classroom that I’ve seen more than any other: smiles” 😃

Notes & Airdrop are great pieces of tech in class. I particularly like the lack of features in notes allows pupils to concentrate on writing. I encourage pupils to start in notes even if writing that will end up in more complicated app.

The Spring Holidays, like others will increase my blogging. It has been a busy term both home learning and back in school. Looking forward to a holiday of wee walks (still stuck in Glasgow) and some random browsing.

The Featured image is Maxwell dynamic machine, 1961 | Science Museum Group Collection © The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Licence found via the Never Been Seen | Science Museum Group Collection page, which I learnt about from Ian Guest

Replied to a tweet by Ian Guest (Twitter)

Unsplash acquired by Getty Images.
To be welcomed?

I wonder. My old primary school, Sandaig, had a postcard project. Got postcards from all round the world. Kids took photos of them & posted to postcard blog. Head Teacher got scary bill from Getty as they identified one of the blurry snapshots as theirs. Blog Deleted:-(

Replied to RE: My Ratio of Signal to Noise by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (
I really enjoyed your assessment of where you are currently at. I have wondered lately about my commitment to capturing my breadcrumbs lately and can really relate to your point about it being exhausting. I wonder if something like Roam is any less exhausting? I am left thinking that with so many of...

Hi Aaron,
I do hope you do not get too exhausted. I find you breadcrumb trail useful and interesting. In some ways breadcrumbs are a more productive vein to mine that piles of full articles or loafs.

Watched Experience TiddlyWiki Fluency: Creating a Reading List from
Because TiddlyWiki is radically customizable and allows you to think in new ways, it can be hard to "get it" if you haven't used it. In this video, I show what it looks like to be fluent in TiddlyWiki by creating a complete, functional application to track books and articles we've read and would like to read, in just over an hour. This video is 100% uncut and unrehearsed, programming mistakes and all. You can learn all the skills you need to do everything shown in this video with Grok TiddlyWiki (​ – coming soon!)

This was just great. I’ve been using TiddlyWiki on and of for a couple of years. I really like it but it has been tricky to really get into it. This was a revelation. Looking forward to Grok TiddlyWiki. In the meantime I’ll go over this video again.