Replied to Re: Browser Bookmarklets for Giving Credit by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (
I am all in on this Chris, but I just can’t seem to get it to work. I created the bookmarklet, highlighted the name and clicked the bookmarklet, but there was no pop-up. I must admit, I do not use many bookmarklets, only Alan Levine’s really. I may therefore have to dig into this a bit further a...

Hi Aaron,

I am glad you posted this. I like bookmarklets. I run one a bit like this via AppleScript on my mac. This has an advantage of letting me add a keyboard to send straight to the clipboard.

I am going to add the indieweb mark up to that using Chris’s script for reference. Like you I couldn’t get it working at first I had to mess around with he single and double quotes. This works for me:

javascript:(function(){let text = "";if (window.getSelection() != '') {text = window.getSelection().toString() + '\n';}var tocopy = '<p><small><cite class="h-cite via"><abbr title="via">ᔥ</abbr> <span class="p-author h-card">"' + text + '"</span> in <a class="u-url p-name" href="' + location.href + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" >' + document.title + '</a> (<time class="dt-published">' + document.lastModified + '</time>)</cite></small></p>';;d=document;d.body.appendChild(Object.assign(d.createElement('textarea'),{value:tocopy})).select();d.execCommand('copy');})()

I’ve not got much of a handle on JavaScript so YMMV.

Liked Facebook’s Laughable Campaign Against Apple Is Really Against Users and Small Businesses (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
Overall, AppTrackingTransparency is a great step forward for Apple. When a company does the right thing for its users, EFF will stand with it, just as we will come down hard on companies that do the wrong thing. Here, Apple is right and Facebook is wrong. Next step: Android should follow with the same protections. Your move, Google.

In reality, a number of studies have shown that most of the money made from targeted advertising does not reach the creators of the content—the app developers and the content they host.  Instead, the majority of any extra money earned by targeted ads ends up in the pockets of these data brokers.

Liked Facebook Takes Out Full-Page Newspaper Ads to Attack Apple’s Changes Strengthening iOS Privacy (Daring Fireball)
Link to:

Here’s the thing. Apple isn’t blocking the ability for Facebook to personalize ads, in any way. Apple is just providing users with control over their own privacy. Users can easily choose to keep providing Facebook (and anyone else) with all the information they want. Or they can choose not to.

Fascinating and weird.

Replied to by The Infinite Herd (Twitter)
I've no idea if this is good or not. HyperCard for me was the notion that anyone can make shit. The internet now is SO SODDING DIFFICULT, it is excluding so many people from expressing themselves. Learn about HyperCard's role in early digital.

This stack:
Inigo Gets Out : Amanda Goodenough

changed my life! A friend showed me how to add a sound…

Liked Re: GDPR Violation: ScribD acquires PII on 500M users in a deal with LinkedIn by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (
Somewhat inspired, I deleted my Slideshare account. Although I have issues with another company simply inheriting my data, I realised that I have not used the space for a few years and saw no reason to maintain a historical presence there. With my focus on a ‘domain of my own’, I have downloaded...

Took me a while to delete my empty slideshare account, Finally change password (did I have one?) and there is a link at the bottom. Needed to set a password via a link, logon with that and delete account. I also had a wee look at my linkedin settings, which was interesting. The tangled web of accounts and data we have on the internet is a mess. I think I may have another slideshare account from a long time ago.

Aaron was replying to GDPR Violation: ScribD acquires PII on 500M users in a deal with LinkedIn – The HFT Guy.

Liked I miss the conversations that used to happen on blogs by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (
One of the things that I have found useful is recording comments on my own site. For sites that use Webmentions, comments are automagically notified, however for others – like your own – I copy and paste the content. These reply posts add another dot to join together, to link to and build upon.

In the iPad version of Word immersive reader does not have (or I can’t find) the Grammar Options. I can get to the online editor in the Safari browser only by viewing the files in Onedrive, checking the radio button beside the doc and using the vertical ellipses that appear to open a menu, choose open and then open in browser.

O365 seems to want me to open word files in the iPad app.

If I am in teams I don’t have the option to open word docs in the browser.

The Grammar options look very useful but on iPad hard to get to.

A workaround for me is to screenshot the text in teams or word. Open office lens, scan the image and then send to immersive reader.

I am sure there must be a more sensible way to do this. I’d like to find it out before I suggest the workaround to my class!