We had an outdoor learning day at school yesterday. Took a snap of these pretty wee guys growing on the mossy side of a tree. No idea of species.
Format: Status
Had a walk round the hills around the reservoir, today. Felt my age as I’ve not been out much lately. Notes, photos & map: walkmap
I presented during the 2022 Netherlands WordCamp edition in Arnhem on turning all WordPress sites into fully IndieWeb enabled sites. Meaning turning well over a third of the web into the open social web. Outside all the silos. The slides are available in my self-hosted Slideshare replacement for emb...
WordPress wants to be the Operating System for the Web. That OS is missing social features, and it’s not a big leap to add them with existing web protocols. No website owner would have to be a coder, be it home cooking style or professional, to use those social features and create conversations. It would just be there.
WordPress+IndieWeb as the OS of the Open Social Web – Interdependent Thoughts
Just great. Could quote every slide.
New iPhone feature. This is cool. In class we used use keynote or online services to cut out images. This is even simpler. No need for green screen. Works on my 4yr old phone. Hope it comes to iPadOS.
Running through my camera roll now iOS 16 installed. Impressed with the lookup of birds & insects that has been added to flora.
Some details of these trails.
Read: The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel 📚★★★★★
Amazing multi viewpoint story. Writing had me invested in each of the diverse characters as they came into focus. Then their stories slowly fitted together. Beautiful. Really catches the way people imagine different lives.
Quite a few smaller dragonflies & damselflies around Ardinning today. Nice sunny morning, autumn feels close, bracken & heather turning.
I’ve been blogging & thinking about software in education for a while. One of the biggest changes in what I read has been the increase in out of the box solutions & a decrease in bending things in unexpected ways. I am more interested in the latter. See Folk Interfaces