Replied to a tweet by Alan Levine (Twitter)

I might need a WordPress plugin than converts all links to run them through the Wayback Machine. Mansy days it feels like 90% of my blogged links are dead.

I used amber for a while & stopped for reasons i can’t recall. Used the archive option. Currently got a JavaScript that sorts broken links to my old, now gone school site where a lot of my early links pointed. I now use On This day, thanks Alan, to tend my links most days.

Bookmarked ‘Cake’ mentioned 10 times more than ‘climate change’ on UK TV – report (
The report, from albert, a Bafta-backed sustainability project, also found that individual action, such as recycling, was far more frequently featured than issues that are much bigger drivers of the climate crisis such as energy and transport.

Smart research by Albert Subtitles to Save the World 2 – Editorial analysing subtitles. I’ve played with srt files for fun but this is serious!

Liked a tweet by Athole (Twitter)

Found myself listening to this. A younger me. Very enthusiastic. Tripping over words to get ideas out. And John Johnston is a brilliant host. Funny and charmingly left of centre. EDUtalk was brilliant. I miss it. @ewanmcintosh and @MrSMathsWizard all get a mention.

Keeping this one for the “charming” Going to have a re-listen.

Another interesting way to blog, sheet-posting, where you blog in a Google Spread sheet. I had a quick try. I’ve messed about with using Google Sheets as a store before. Guess you alway need to remember Google could pull the sheet from under your feet. I also remember when you could stick a webpage in google docs (or dropbox) and it would be served. The Sheets-Posting site is made with glitch.

Replied to Bright green, blight green, and lean green futures | Open Thinkering by Doug Belshaw (Open Thinkering | Doug Belshaw's blog)
This is Vinay’s preferred option, and the only one he thinks is scalable and realistic. It’s “numerical” by which he means quantitative, not qualitative. You simply imagine that every human being has equal right to the planet’s “material bounty”, and then divide up what’s available, and how much they can emit.

Hi Doug,

Thanks for this link, I’d not heard Vinay Gupta before. A good listen although some of the verbal style grated a bit.  I’d heard the idea of fair shares, in relation to air miles, before and liked it. Possibly because I very seldom fly;-)

Bookmarked Tagging, wikis, concordances: tagging in a read-and-write space by Ken Smith (akaKenSmith)
Tagging and its sibling concordance are aimed at pattern work, at reorganizing for new uses. Having the landing page for a key word with its living contexts be a place not just for reading but also for further pattern-making and writing is dynamite.

Just a vague though at the moment:

I’ve always found concordances interesting. I think I’ve a pretty recently unread one on a shelf somewhere. I’d not though of them as another way to dig into a blog. I’ve found a couple of interesting ways to search my blog recently. I wonder if something like the video demo that Ken Smith linked to could be made for WordPress tags?

Replied to a tweet by Sarah Clark (Twitter)

Available in glow now. Go check this out...I think it can have such and impact

Been doing something similar, but simpler, for a few years, with voice memos & notes. No auto data gathering but self assessment. Valuable.