Thus measures implemented to protect pedestrians work very effectively with the cars that do least damage, but are next to useless with the cars that cause most harm.
There doesn’t seem to be any advantages to SUVs. Powerful list of downsides.
Thus measures implemented to protect pedestrians work very effectively with the cars that do least damage, but are next to useless with the cars that cause most harm.
There doesn’t seem to be any advantages to SUVs. Powerful list of downsides.
we currently live in a period of edtech excess and that this is fuelling increasing disadvantage and climate crisis. He remains sceptical, like many of us, that the answer to these big problems is yet more tech.
Every now and again I take a trawl through all the Local Authority Glow Blog home pages. It is interesting to see into all sorts of learning going on across Scotland. Here are a few that caught my eye:
Linked, in my mind at least, is outdoor learning, there is a fair bit of that going on too:
THE DEAD GUILLEMOT SOCIETY: From The Province Of The Cat by George Gunn. Dunnet Beach is the most northerly beach on the Scottish mainland. It stretches for roughly three miles in a North-North-Eas…
A moving piece.
The report, from albert, a Bafta-backed sustainability project, also found that individual action, such as recycling, was far more frequently featured than issues that are much bigger drivers of the climate crisis such as energy and transport.
Smart research by Albert Subtitles to Save the World 2 – Editorial analysing subtitles. I’ve played with srt files for fun but this is serious!
Hi Doug,
looks like a great project, I’ve subscribed to the feed. Great set of links in this intro too, thanks.
Holly has tried to make changes to reduce her carbon footprint and insisted the Guardian did not send a photographer to drive two hours from Glasgow
from: ‘I feel very angry’: the 13-year-old on school strike for climate action following in the footsteps of Greta Thunberg