Replied to The GIF Is on Its Deathbed by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (
Kaitlyn Tiffany reflects on the demise of GIFs. She discusses the embarrassing nature in which particular GIFs are used on repeat. In addition to this, the MP4 format is a lot smaller. Ir is interesting to look back on when I presented on GIFs as a form of quick makes.

Hi Aaron,
Thanks for this link, your pull quote is perfect. As a recovering gif masochists it really struck a chord. I never aimed for perfection just some strange self imposted notion around file size. I blame #DS106 for my may years of gif-addiction.

I don’t know if I’ll every break completely free, yesterday an image on my camera roll cried out for giffing. The modern way, an iOS shortcut resulted in a 2.2MB monster. After a fair bit of command line, with Eddie Kohler’s gifsicle, I eventually opened an older version of Mac os on parallels that could run FireWorks to to squash it to 448KB.

Although making gifs is redundant & silly, it has given me so much fun over the years and I like to feel taught me a lot.

hypercard icon

Yesterday I was posting a note about a book and though of a slight visual joke. I needed a bit of css animation added and it seems a bit too much to either have it in the customiser or my child theme. It turns out there is a block for that: Blocks CSS: CSS Editor for Gutenberg Blocks.

This plugin just added a field to the more settings area for the block where you can add some css, I’ve used it on the image of the HyperCard icon about to animate it.

I am still not all in on using blocks, but this could be fun.