Following from this conversation
Tom Woodward whipped up a plugin to clone posts on a WordPress Multi-site blog to one of your own.

I think this could be a really useful way of giving pupils a template for e-Portfolio post. I’d be very interested in exploring getting this into Glow Blogs. I’ve been asked about this sort of functionality a few times.

Replied to Todd Conaway on Twitter (
"15. Thank you for being here. And maybe the next time you present some information, share it with a nice little WordPress website and see how it goes! Oh yeah, if you want to see this presentation on a WordPress site, here you go: #pressEDconf19…"

WordPress for presentations is a great idea. I couldn’t follow live so appreciate this more than a pp. WordPress can post replies to tweets too;-) #pressEDconf19 #IndieWeb

Replied to HyperDocs: Evolution, Purpose & Intention by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (Read Write Collect)
I find the whole ‘HyperDocs‘ thing interesting Stephen. I think that the online nature of GSuite has led to the association. However, as Alan Levine has shown with thinks like SplotPoint, the answer does not always have to be Google. The challenge is the ease of use, especially in regards to the...

I’ve read a bit about Hyperdocs over the last few years. It has never made complete sense to me, it seems to be trying to recreate webpages with google documents.

I wonder if might point to a better way? It certainly would solve the template problem…

Listened to Artificial intelligence explained on Kara Swisher Recode Decode podcast – Recode

Instead of talking about far-flung super-intelligent AI, they argued on the latest episode of Recode Decode, we should be talking about the ways AI is affecting people right now, in everything from education to policing to hiring. Rather than killer robots, you should be concerned about what happens to your résumé when it hits a program like the one Amazon tried to build.

“They took two years to design, essentially, an AI automatic résumé scanner,” Crawford said. “And they found that it was so biased against any female applicant that if you even had the word ‘woman’ on your résumé that it went to the bottom of the pile.”

Great listen. The comparison of how China is implementing AI, at a national level, compared to the huge corporations made me think.

You’re looking at a set of practices, in that case, that is pretty similar to a social credit score in China, but under different auspices. The public is not aware, there is no process of acknowledgement or consent there. This is happening sort of under the cover of proprietary private sector tech that is actually not disclosed to the people that it’s going to affect.

Bookmarked “Bullshit and the Art of Crap -Detection” by Neil Postman (
As I see it, the best things schools can do for kids is to help them learn how to distinguish useful talk from bullshit. I think almost all serious people understand that about 90% of all that goes on in school is practically useless, so what I am saying would not require the displacement of anything that is especially worthwhile.

Found in this tweet by @MarkRPriestley.

My link is to a pdf of the talk from 1969. Now seem broken so

Postman also wrote ‎

A good fun read with many cringe points, which of the forms of BS have you used? I’ve used a lot.

Bookmarked Nothing Fails Like Success by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (Read Write Collect)
Jeffery Zeldman argues that in being unable to pay mortgage associated with the web, we have become indebted to the mob that is platform capitalism. This has led us into the money trap, which demands unrealistic rewards that care more about clicks than community. Zeldman’s suggestion on how to fix...

Aaron points to Nothing Fails Like Success (A List Apart).  

Aaron links to several fellow travellers reactions that make great reading too.

Aaron’s own blogging has gone a long way along the IndieWeb path and is a excellent one to follow.