Replied to KevinHodgson on Twitter (Twitter)
“#clmooc Feldgang - picture collage, from a woods walk, of rocks and boulders, all slightly turned over: bugs, worms, strange roots, holes, eggs … all sorts of weird cool stuff. How about you? What will you find?”

I am finding the #clmooc Feldgang fascinating, feels like my life is a Feldgang.
I am playing with the flickrAPI… 

A WIP, couple of examples:

Liked IndieWeb and Webmentions | CSS-Tricks (CSS-Tricks)
The IndieWeb is a thing! They've got a conference coming up and everything. The New Yorker is even writing about it

Liked: IndieWeb and Webmentions | CSS-Tricks

I guess that’s what’s so cool about all this IndieWeb stuff. Like a Progressive Web App, every step you take towards it is useful. The more people that do it, the better it gets for everyone, but it’s useful anyway.

I thought that was rather well put. Every so often, I wonder if my rather casual effort is worth it. The idea that ‘every little counts’ is welcome.

Carol Dweck: where growth mindset went wrong | Tes News

There is an interesting twitter thread started by the tes author Jon Severs.

Somewhat worrying that this is not only being introduced to schools but that a wee industry is being built up before implementation is properly understood.

“Teachers have to ask, what exactly is the evidence suggesting?” she explains. “They have to realise it takes deep thought and deep experimentation on their part in the classroom to see how best the concept can be implemented there.

Not something that can be done after a few sessions of in-service then?

Marsh Halk's Beard in woods

Ardinning 2019-07-08 late afternoon
Overcast a shower just stopped as we arrived. Warm & calm.
Meadow sweet & Valerian coming on strong.
Lots of ringlets
A pair of Great crested grebes on the loch.
Lots of spotted orchids and a couple of butterfly orchids( lesser or greater?) Butterfly Orchid

A favourite walk.
A mix of cloud and sun, with a nice breeze. Shirtsleeves all day.
The climb up Troisgeach was enlivened by the many tiny wildflowers around the burn. Mostly bedstraw and tormentil, but patches of thyme, butterwort, gentian and others. Reminds me of Scotland small? .
Lots of small heath butterflies and a few fritillaries on the way back down when the sun came out. The pools that wee full of frogs the last time are now full of fat tadpoles.

Found a nice 6 pointed deer horn on Troisgeach.
A few stags in velvet between Troisgeach & Meall an Fhudair.

photos and map: walkmap

Frog in the Grass
Frog in the Grass
Ben Oss behind Bog Cotton
Ben Oss behind Bog Cotton
Fox Moth
Fox Moth