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““Grit” is a bullshit term deployed by the privileged to valorize and naturalize their privilege… This is important reading for educators: we have to be honest about how the system is rigged.”

Which leads to Study: Poor Kids Who Believe in Meritocracy Suffer – The Atlantic from the url it looks like the original title might have been: internalizing the myth of meritocracy…

As I was driving to work this morning I had a strange encounter. It was dark, I had stopped at the 5th set of traffic lights about half a mile from home. Out the corner of my eye, on the far bottom corner of the windscreen was a mouse. it disappeared towards the bonnet then reappeared in the same spot. Next it walked across the bottom of the screen and then walked up and onto the roof! At that point the lights changed, I wasn’t quick thinking enough to hit the hazards and think of stopping, so I moved off. I hope that somehow the wee guy slid to safety.

Listened Microcast #078 — Values-based organisations from Doug Belshaw's Thought Shrapnel
This microcast covers ethics in decision-making for technology companies and (related!) some recent purchases I’ve made.

Delighted to see Doug’s microcast in his RSS feed. I also love Doug’s wrestling with his technology stack. Over the years it has gone back and forwards and is always fascinating to read Doug’s thoughts on the whys and wherefores.