Read Known issues with Minecraft: Education Edition
While we hope that no bugs slip through into the products we ship, we are a team of humans and inevitably we won’t be able to catch all issues. Here is a list of what we know is out there: Current ...

Unable to open .mcworld files on iOS 1.13

  • Versions Impacted: iPad
  • Workaround: None at this time
  • Status: This is a known issue set to be fixed our patch release est. Jan 29.

from: Known issues with Minecraft: Education Edition – Minecraft: Education Edition Support

I was glad to read this, because I was sure it had worked before.

Replied to like: The Benefits of the Copy Stage of Making by Aaron DavisAaron Davis (

Thanks for this link Aaron. The idea that creating by copying is not very creative has often weighed on my mind. Especially in activities like coding in my multi-stage classroom, some pupils are mostly copying instructions. This link made me realise/remember the value of copying. Personally in my own creative endeavours I often start there.

Liked Two Display Posts Tricks by Tom Woodward (
I’ve been a fan of Display Posts since the days of straight Non-Programistan. Despite the fact that I can write my own stuff from scratch, Display Posts still comes in handy all the time. The following are just two little tricks used in a recent course site. I’m just skimming the surface of the ...

Another fan of display-posts-shortcode. My favourite plugin on Glow Blogs.

@vasta on posted about (one of my favourites)

we automated making haikus about places. Looking at every aspect of the surroundings of a point, we can generate a poem about any place in the world.

I’ve been having fun generating random haiku and then matching with photos from my camera roll of the same places.