We got great weather yesterday at the Japanese Garden, Cowden. A few more photos Japanese Garden, Cowden | Flickr.
We got great weather yesterday at the Japanese Garden, Cowden. A few more photos Japanese Garden, Cowden | Flickr.
Large Dragonfly at the Japanese Garden. I wasnot sure what it was so uploaded to iNaturalist: Common Hawker (Aeshna juncea) from Clackmannanshire, UK on 14 October, 2024 at 01:41 PM by John Johnston · iNaturalist. Surly the last I see this year?
Read Orbital By Samantha Harvey ★★★★☆ 📚
Six astronauts and cosmonauts watch the earth roll 16 times in 24 hours. Plotless, thoughts ,observations & meditations.
yet hard to believe in anything but that blackness, which is alive, and breathing and beckoning. If Nell had ever been afraid of nothingness, once she was in it she was consoled by it inexplicably and yearned
Bookmarked 📻 Turning radio into podcasts by .
As more and more BBC programmes vanish from open podcast platforms and into Sounds, the app feels increasingly like an attempt to build a content silo that is utterly unbecoming of a national broadcaster.
I listen to a few BBC radio programs in Castro while commuting. Quite a few radio programmes are only available in the Sounds app. I don’t like switching apps and do like the ability to queue things in Castro. I am wondering if this might help along with Castro’s side-loading feature which uses iCloud?
Read: Overland by Yasmin Cordery Khan ★★★★☆ 📚
Unlikely, slightly unlikeable & possibly unreliable narrator Joyce tags along with two posh boys on the hippy trail. It feels like disaster is on the way.
Likes Pseudo code and kitchen-table conversations by .
I read a lot of negative stuff about chatGPT. Dave Winer seems upbeat. Even though he mentions that a lot of programmers will lose work, he is positive about chatGPT. There are a couple of laugh out loud moments and lots of ideas to chew on, even if you are not a programmer. An enjoyable listen.
I enjoy seeing it at the end of the working day. I won’t see this one for a week as the October week holiday starts.
Testing. I’ve just added threads to my micro.blog cross posting. I now use micro.blog for cross posting to mastodon, bluesky & (hopefully) threads. @manton continues to provide a wonderful service.
Likes Bop Spotter by .
installed a box high up on a pole somewhere in the Mission of San Francisco. Inside is a crappy Android phone, set to Shazam constantly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s solar powered, and the mic is pointed down at the street below.
What a great idea. Webpage looks super too. via jwz.
Likes Fighting for our web by .
We can build the web that we want to see, and we can return to that place where the web is a place of wonder, where all of us feel that same burning feeling of excitement as we push the web back towards the wonderful, beautiful, joyful place it ought to be.
I enjoyed listening this morning.