We want modern social media and public conversation online to work more like the early days of the web, where anyone could put up a blog or use RSS to subscribe to several blogs.

from: What is Bluesky? – Bluesky

I am reading around Bluesky this morning, some Glow Blogs research. This brought me up short. As far as I know anyone can ‘put up a blog or use RSS to subscribe to several blogs.’

Screenshot of webpafges linked to in the article.

Here are few really interesting posts I’ve found on Mastodon.

The Really Dark Truth About Bots – YouTube via rg4w (@FourthWorld@mastodon.online) – Mastodon is a tangled web indeed. Worth a listen unless you are overwhelmed by recent news.

Apple is removing iCloud end-to-encryption features from the UK after government compelled it to add backdoors – 9to5Mac from Ian Betteridge (@ianb@well.com) – Mastodon who wrote on his own blog:

And it’s worth saying again: what Apple is offering is still as good as Google, Microsoft, etc, none of which offer zero-access encryption for file storage. There are remarkably few companies that do: the only one I’ve come across is Proton, whose Proton Drive is hosted in Switzerland, subject to Swiss privacy laws, and zero-access encrypted by default. If you’re currently using Advanced Data Protection for file storage, they are worth a look.

from: Apple’s Advanced Data Protection: what’s going on in the UK?

I am not a user of Apple Advanced Data Protection myself. But this is interesting from the tech/politics pov. And we don’t know when we might need a bit more encryption & privacy.

FastScripts 3.3.5: Live Script Progress and Other Fixes – from the horses mouth: Daniel Jalkut (@danielpunkass@mastodon.social) – Mastodon. FastScript is one of my very favourite mac application. It allows me to do lots of things fast. Limited only by my own lack of skills with AppleScript & shell.

Talk about the thing itself – annie’s blog via bradenslen (@bradenslen@indieweb.social) – Indieweb.Social

Lots of very smart stuff about introducing technology to people.

When I introduce you to my friend, I don’t say: “This is Angela. She’s made of bones that connect to each other with cool joints so she can bend her skeleton. On top of the bones, she’s got muscles! And then there’s skin, which is the part_ _you see now! The skin is important because it holds everything together and lets you interact with Angela without being all grossed out.”

I say something like: “This is Angela. I know her from college. She’s into geology, like you.”

I’ve spent a fair bit of life introducing technology to pupils & teachers. Especially with the latter I’ve made the mistake of wanting folk to understand and love something the way I do. (RSS for example).

Recently I saw a post on Doug Belshaw’s Thought Shrapnel pointing to a nice 3 column layout for a blog.

Doug wondered :

If you’re reading this and know of a similar blog theme, on any platform, could you let me know?

I thought it would be possible to use the Site Editor on a WordPress block theme and left a comment.

I’ve been watching quite a few WordPress videos from Jamie WP. I especially like his Remaking Famous Websites playlist. So I thought it might be possible to make a WordPress site that looked a bit like garry.net.

Jamie does these in 30 minutes. This took me longer, but I’ve not a whole lot of experience with the site editor. I decided to use Glow Blogs. It is free and easy for me to set up a site there. I serve as part time product owner so this is good practise. The disadvantage is that I can’t install any extra plug-ins or add any custom css1. Glow Blogs also runs a version or so behind WordPress.org.

I only did enough to see where I could go easily. I didn’t attempt to match styles or other features.

I got as far as Three Columns, this is not finished or polised but I managed:

  1. 1. a home page with some static content and a left hand navigation.
  2. a posts page with the same left hand column. A second column listing the posts and loading the latest post in the third column.
  3. finally a single post page with the same first two columns. The post tapped or clicked in the second column showing in the third.

To do this I created three page templates2. All are inside columns. All have the same first column. So I made that one as a pattern3. The second column is used twice, so I made another pattern for that. This stopped me having to fix the same thing in different places. I think this is the right approach.

I’ve ignored mobile and other possible pages. I didn’t touch archive, views for categories and tags for example . My aim was to spend a couple of hours on this.

I had trouble with a few things.

  • I had edited the Front Page Template, which should be used for the posts page. This didn’t show up. When I edit the posts page and then edit the template I see my 3 column. Unfortunately the live page still uses the old template. So given my time limit I just made another page to act as the posts page and made an ‘All posts’ template for that. This has a query loop in the second column, acting as an index for the posts.
  • The second column on the Posts & single post page should ideally scroll all of the posts. Probably inside a fixed height block with lazy load.
  • I think I should have used Template parts when I used patterns. but the result seems the same.
  • I am not sure how to hilight the posts selected in the second column. garry.net does this nicely.
  • I enjoyed poking around in the site editor. I can see the potential for creating different types of site. I am not convinced that access to the Site Editor alone would make much differences to busy teachers with a lot on their plate. Most Glow Blogs stick with the default theme. I am beginning to see how patterns and templates could make things easier for folk.
  1. WordPress multi-sites do not automatically support custom css. The Jetpack plugin used to do this but not anymore. I hope it will be added back in. ↩︎
  2. Well I did that finally, I made lots of mistakes first. ↩︎
  3. Again I did that a more than a few times. I think this should have been a template part rather than a pattern. ↩︎