How lovely to see Dave Winer’s 30 years blogging in the Observer on Sunday.

I either read or was told by a friend once that Dave Winer was always right if you waited long enough.

I certainly benefited from blogging, podcasting & RSS which Dave was pivotal in
Developing. I’ve also been lucky enough to play with some of Dave’s more recent tools which always makes you think.

Read: West by Carys Davies ★★★★★ 📚

There is something endlessly pleasant about the quick flurries of bats in the trees at this time of day, and the soft crepitation of insects all around: a steady in-out susurration as if the earth itself is breathing.

Lovely book so brief & clear. A handful of characters, simply drawn. Cy, obsessed by possible monsters heads west into wild lands leaving his daughter in an awful situation.