Grid of photos, from Top Left: Bog Cotton; Sput Ban; Ben Oss over the Allt Oss; Ben Oss near the top; map showing there photos were taken; Loch Oss; Cloudberry flower; Sea Eagle soaring on blue sky;Stonechat sitting on bracken
Before I’d even reached the sheep creep under the railway it was a good day. Warblers singing, swallows swooping, a large golden olive dragonfly shone in the sun. A buzzard flew over. The opposite of soul destroying. More notes & photos on the walkmap

Bookmarked Building a Block-Based Microblog by Jan Boddez.

IndieBlocks, which I am using to post this, is an alternative to the Post Kinds plugin that works with the block editor instead of classic.

I am still using mostly using classic on this blog as it seems the right tool for the job. But WordPress’s future seems to be blocks. I like the ui for bookmarks etc in IndieBlogs and guess I can ignore most of the blocks editor features.

I am a bit conflicted as to how switching approaches would work. For example Post Kinds adds an extra taxonomy for different kinds of post, IndieBlocks uses custom post types. I’ve got 7 years of post kinds posts here. I’ve also some styles based on the kinds.

I lean towards taxonomies over custom posts. This probably due to an over enthusiastic use of custom post kinds a few years back.

I think I prefer the incorporation of the link, author & quote into the main entry in IndieBlocks.

Good to have choices I guess 😉