Got out yesterday and walked round the Glen Douglas trio of hills again. Map, photos and notes: walkmap
Large Red Damsel Fly Black legs are the clue to identify this one.
Got out yesterday and walked round the Glen Douglas trio of hills again. Map, photos and notes: walkmap
Large Red Damsel Fly Black legs are the clue to identify this one.
Back to Old Kilpatrick this morning to walk to Duncolm. Notes, photos & map: walkmap
White clover
Tormentil, everywhere all day
Whinchat nagging
Bog Asphodel
Bog & bell Heather
Deer grass
Ladies mantel
Water Avens
Red Deer, frogs & ring ouzel
Had a nice walk around some of the Campsies yesterday. Quite a contrast between the flora & fauna of the pipetrack at the start and the bare hills. Map, pictures and notes:
Had a walk around the Glen Douglas trio today. Most “up” since I had covid. Photos & notes on the walkmap
Kilpatrick – Loch Humphrey: A bright sunny day, little breeze & hardly a cloud.
Hawthorn in full flower. A woodpecker flitting.
Cuckoos calling & couple seen in the distance. Plenty of butterflies.
Trees in leaf, just the ash lagging. Bracken & ferns unfurling.
Back To Glen Douglas. On a hill for the first time since last summer. Somewhat puffed: Notes and map:
Lucifer’s Loch. Strange name, named on Google maps, not OS or open street. Had a walk this morning around the back of Jaw & Cochno: map & pics.