A favourite walk.
A mix of cloud and sun, with a nice breeze. Shirtsleeves all day.
The climb up Troisgeach was enlivened by the many tiny wildflowers around the burn. Mostly bedstraw and tormentil, but patches of thyme, butterwort, gentian and others. Reminds me of Scotland small? .
Lots of small heath butterflies and a few fritillaries on the way back down when the sun came out. The pools that wee full of frogs the last time are now full of fat tadpoles.

Found a nice 6 pointed deer horn on Troisgeach.
A few stags in velvet between Troisgeach & Meall an Fhudair.

photos and map: walkmap

Frog in the Grass
Frog in the Grass
Ben Oss behind Bog Cotton
Ben Oss behind Bog Cotton
Fox Moth
Fox Moth

It has taken me a while to get this one together. I am still experimenting with recording on the hoof. This time I decided to record a series of short clips in Voice Memos. the intention was to string them together quickly with Ferrite. I found that a bit footery on the phone and ran into the three track for free limit.

Returned to the problem on the iPad and Hokusai. Only took a few minutes. Both ferrite and Hokusai are made by the same developer! I think I might read Difference: Between Hokusai Audio Editor and Ferrite Recording Studio — Wooji Juice I need to get a bit more practice with these apps.

Another experimental microcast. I recorded this on a walk last week using the iPhone audio memos app. Just kept a memo open and recorded fragments on the go. Unfortunately at some point I hit done and when I added more, without looking, I recorded over the start.

On editing in ferrite the app crashed everytime. So I switched to Hokusai 2 cut the start pasted it to the end and then levelled in Auphonic. Finally back in Ferrite I added the intro (recorded in Ferrite and run through Auphonic).

This if far too complicated. I also need a dead cat from the phone to cut down on wind noise.