Replied to a tweet by ds106 Daily Create (Twitter)

#tdc2997 #ds106 Shuffle and Share

#tdc2997 #ds106 Shuffle and Share
She is Always Dancing – Neil Young with Crazy Horse
Moussolou – Oumou Sangaré
A Simple Twist of Fate – Joan Baez
Soon After Midnight – Bob Dylan
Music By Numbers – Penguin Cafe Orchestra

Replied to KevinHodgson on Twitter (Twitter)
“I wanted to add images to represent uncertainty for my Song for An Uncertain Time that I created this morning as a soundtrack to the days, so I turned to Creative Commons blend tool by @johnjohnston and it was perfect -- just enough off-balanced images ... #ds106 #clmooc”

Kevin, I am delighted that my wee toy could be part of making something this lovely. Thanks for the mention!


Replied to a tweet by ds106 Daily Create (Twitter)

#tdc2747 #ds106 Online Communities

I’ve been enjoying it is a community of disparate bloggers, writing in their own spaces. A sort of community RSS reader that smooths out the process of blogging & commenting without being a silo. An example of ideal community technology.