Replied to a tweet by Sarah Clark (Twitter)

Available in glow now. Go check this out...I think it can have such and impact

Been doing something similar, but simpler, for a few years, with voice memos & notes. No auto data gathering but self assessment. Valuable.

Liked A poetry lesson by James Durran (@jdurran)James Durran (@jdurran) (James Durran)
An account of a poetry lesson, with some thoughts on efficiency, on how we treat texts and on knowledge.

efficiency in teaching is a problematic idea. Of course time and energy shouldn’t be evaporated away by gimmickry or activity with no purpose. But an element of theatre, an injection of emotion, or a playful unwrapping of ideas can be worth the time if ideas are more memorably imprinted or are more deeply understood.

Interesting post in relation to knowledge, exploratory learning. I’ll be revisiting the blog for the primary section which looks really valuable.

Replied to A tweet by Blair Minchin (Twitter)


Boiling down children, human beings, to data.

Data on maths and literacy.

That’s what league tables do.

They don’t demotivate me because I know they paint a tiny, incomplete picture of a school, a smaller one of a class and a microscopic view of an individual child.

Data, can be done differently.


I keep being pulled by this site. Cc @IaninSheffield

Bookmarked Create a Random Generator - (
Perchance is a platform for creating and sharing random text generators. To create a random generator you simply create lists which reference other lists

Wonder if this could be useful for the classroom. Certainly plenty of story-starter types. Also Word Problems (Adding and Subtracting) might be a start.

Via: Joe Jennet create a random generator

Liked a tweet by Juliet Robertson (Twitter)

15+ alternatives to using laminates outside Always on the look out for good ideas here. #EYShare #EYMatters, #EYTwittertagteam, #EYFS, #EarlyYears, #TeamEarlyChildhood #EYBLUK#edutwitter #EYMaths #continuousprovision #eyideas

15+ Alternatives to Using Laminated Sheets Outside