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For today's TDC... #tdc3632 #ds106 #ds106 What are you reading?

#tdc3632 #ds106 for the last few years I’ve kept a list on by site. I’ve noticed a bit of an upturn due first to lockdown & then covid, nearly a book a day while I was isolating. I mostly read, what my wife & daughter hand down to me. Books

Talking about Charles Arthur’s Social Warming: The dangerous and polarising effects of social media John Naughton says:

I run into non-tech-savvy people and realise they have no idea about how social-media feeds are algorithmically curated, say, or why many people in the global South are unaware that Facebook is not the Internet. But then I think: how could they have known? After all, mainstream media doesn’t do a good job of explaining it. And social-media definitely have no incentive to do it.

From Memex 1.1

Which made it sound like an interesting book. I’ve grabbed the audio version for January’s commute. I tend to prefer shorter podcasts, and have not listened to many audio books so am wondering if I’ll manage to keep on to the end.

Since 2014 I’ve been making “movies” with my flickr photos for the year. I make them with a script which downloads the years photos puts them together into a movie and, use to, add music. The Music bit is broken (https) so I downloaded some manually.

This year pretty much stopped in October, then I got covid in November and have not been out much since.

I also average the photos ( below) and montage them for the featured image. This year I made a version of the script to download wee square images for the montage (average & montage scripts here).

I enjoy both the process and watching my photos flickr by. I like the fact that I can easily tweek bit of the script or run the video creation again quickly to try out different speeds, music etc.