I’ve just transitioned to a mac mini. My 2016 MacBook pro was bulging horribly. Battery knackered. The keyboard was duff from the start. I don’t need a pro machine nor a portable one now so a mini seemed a good choice. Basic model but with 1TB disk & 16 mb ram.

Read: Journey by Moonlight by Antal Szerb ★★★★☆ 📚
Somewhat rambling, dreamy & hypnotic tale of a newly married couple who almost immediately split. The various Hungarians wander through Italy & Paris cross paths and each other, developing, or not, in different ways.

Liked One More Reason #ChatGPT Seems Like a Sweetheart by Maha BaliMaha Bali (blog.mahabali.me)

This ChatGPT thing, quite apart from all the other AI writing tools, is disturbingly addictive and… likeable? I had tried before with you.com/chat to make it say mean and biased things, but it wouldn’t. And this surprised me because if it trained on internet data, the internet is full of stuff like that, right? So…

An interesting experience with chatGPT.

Who trained you to be so sensitive and polite and politically correct?

I couldn’t be angry with it, because it was such a sweetheart about not giving me what I wanted.